Special Request to Help Ugandan Messianic Synagogue

Hello, friends.

I am trying to help a Ugandan Messianic Synagogue, actually three of them, who have asked me to send them 4 Messianic Bible’s, 9 prayer shawls (Talit) and 18 copies of y books (6 of each of the three books I have written.)

Last year I sent them 2 copies of each of my books with 2 Messianic Bibles, and the cost was well over $100 just for the shipping. They have constantly thanked me and told me how often they use my books for their Bible study.

Now they are asking me for these additional items, the cost of which would be somewhere around $650, which includes (probably) $200 or so just to ship these to them.

Here is the link to my GoFundMe campaign- please donate something:

Ugandan Messianic Ministry


The average monthly income for a Ugandan living in a rural area (as they do) is 303,000 Ugandan Shillings, which translates to only about $80 USD, so you can imagine how far out of reach it is for them to get these things on their own.

Thank you for your help- anything you can send will be a blessing to these people, and I give you my personal guarantee that every penny you send to this campaign will be spent for their benefit.

