How Ya’ Doin’?

I don’t have anything on my calendar to talk about today so I thought I would just check-in with you and ask how you are doing with all the mishigas in the world today.

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Oh, how are we doing? Well, thanks for asking: Donna and I are doing very well. We each have schedules that we enjoy. Donna volunteers twice a week at a local animal hospital specifically for native wildlife and is also on their committees for fund-raising and educational activities.

I post to this ministry three times a week, golf twice a week (weather permitting- it has been unusually wet this winter) and ride my bicycle three times a week. I also like to work-out once a week at Cocoa Beach Aerial Adventure, which is a sort of obstacle course in the air. If you’re interested, here is a link to a YouTube of me doing one of the courses: Steve playing Tarzan.

But how are YOU doing? With the polarization of Americans at an all-time high, animosity at an all-time high, and unity at an all-time low, not to mention the hyper-hyping of this pandemic, most everyone is ready to pop about 30 Prozac a day!

Oy! What a mess!

If you are feeling a bit overwhelmed and miss being able to get together with friends and family or travel, I have often posted how I believe that those who are concerned for their health should take whatever precautions they need to, but not force it on anyone else. Our governments, both federal and state, have taken charge of our lives and forced people to “be considerate”, i.e. wear masks and stop socializing in order to stem the spread of COVID, but really? Has it worked?

It’s been a year and the numbers climb every time we open up a little, so it seems clear, at least to me, that whatever we are doing is not stopping anything, it is just delaying it. Now with an “approved” vaccine, maybe once enough people have been vaccinated (and no, I have no intention of taking it) we will be able to get back to a normal life.

Of course, given the current level of racial tensions in America, not to mention how the recent election has been used to “justify” domestic terrorism (which is also at an all-time high), I can’t help but think that as badly as the economy has suffered due to the way the pandemic was handled, we haven’t hit bottom, yet.

I think there is still another shoe to drop.

So, nu? Where am I going with all this? Frankly, nowhere: I am rambling on and hoping that something will pop into my head, or maybe into your head and you will make a comment that can help us feel better.

I know that God is in charge, and I know, also, from having been “in charge” for most of my professional career, that being in charge doesn’t always mean running the show. Sometimes being in charge means allowing things to progress on their own, and then straightening it all out later.

I believe that the physical things we are suffering with now – racial tensions, political polarization, disunity, and rampant animosity- are just the outer covering for what is really happening, which is the spiritual judgment that is falling on this country. We have sinned against God for so long, in so many ways, that we are now going to feel his wrath. His justified and well-deserved wrath.

So how are ya doin? Are you financially OK? Are you in good health? Are you still working? Well, if you are OK with all of these things, thank God for that. But, still and all, you better buckle up, Baby, because the ride is just starting!

When you know what is coming, you can be better prepared for it, not just physically but emotionally and spiritually. If you are not a godly person, well what the heck are doing here? I mean, it’s great that you are, and hopefully, you will listen and repent. And if you are already a godly person, which is why you are here, then steel yourself, gird on that armor of God (Ephesians 6) and watch your “6” because when the stuff hits the fan, you won’t know your friends from your enemies.

We are just beginning to feel the birth pains of what is still to come. I don’t know if this is the final judgment, the Acharit HaYamim (End Days), or just a judgment on the USA for having rejected God, but it is here and you can’t avoid it. So, as I said, buckle up and try to last out the ride.

Remember that perseverance builds faith, and we can all use more faith, so look to the end and try not to let the current situation get you down. God is, ultimately, in charge and even though others think they are running the show, they aren’t and HE is!

And God will never abandon those who love him.

Thank you for being here and please subscribe, share these messages (yes, even this one) with everyone you know, and I always welcome your comments.

That’s it for now, so l’hitraot and Baruch HaShem!