A Different Type of Trinity

A trinity is a threesome. It could be any three things, such as three golfers (although we usually call that a threesome), or three musical notes played together (although we usually call that a chord), or three spiritual beings that are connected in some way (that one we always call a trinity.)

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The trinity most people are familiar with is the Father (God), the Son (Messiah Yeshua), and the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh).

But I want to talk about a different type of trinity, and bring in the spiritual aspects of this combination, which is different not only in that they are connected, but that their connection is one of disparity.

In other words, these three things are found together but they represent totally different viewpoints.

Curious what the heck I am talking about? I am talking about Optimism, Pessimism, and Realism.

When we look at these in a worldly view, the optimist says the glass is half-full, the pessimist says it is half-empty, and the realist says there is still room left.

From a spiritual viewpoint, the optimist says God is all about love and compassion and not about performance (saved by faith, alone), effectively ignoring God’s instructions and believing they are doing what is right.

The pessimist says when things go badly they are being punished and must be sinning in some way, so they become legalistic in their worship, putting faith behind works. Pessimists are easy to spot- they are always afraid.

The realist says that both are right in some ways and wrong in others, and gives biblical examples of why. But, and this is the important thing to note, the realist doesn’t take things out of context as many people do just to make it seem that the Bible is saying what they want it to say. No! The realist uses hermeneutically validated arguments and quotes the contextually correct meaning of the passage to make their point.

That is the main problem with religion: the creators of their specific religion (God has no religion and never wanted any) decide how they want to worship God and live their lives, then take bits and pieces from the Bible to form the justification for their belief system.

Here are some examples of what I mean:

  1. The optimist (usually blinded by rose-colored glasses from wrongful teachings) will quote Matthew 5:17 as Yeshua saying the law is not longer needed because he fulfilled it (misinterpreting that as meaning completed, therefor no longer necessary), ignoring that Yeshua added nothing will change in the law until all things have come to pass.
  2. The pessimist will say Matthew 5:17 says completely obeying the law, as Yeshua did, doesn’t change the law and we still have to do everything we are required or we can’t be saved.
  3. The realist says that “fulfill”, in its proper usage at that time, meant to interpret, and hermeneutically justifies that by showing how in the Sermon on the Mount Yeshua showed us the deeper, spiritual meaning (called the Remes) of the law.

Now, you may be saying that I am taking quite a lot of liberty in these examples, and maybe I am, but the point is that when we are learning about God, we need to be realistic, not optimistic or pessimistic. Some religions teach Predetermination, which to me is the most pessimistic view anyone can take. I mean, really? I am already chosen to go to heaven or hell, no matter what I do? I have no freedom of choice?

Not very comforting, is it?

On the other hand, some religions teach that God will do everything for you, and all you have to do is believe in Jesus (whatever that’s supposed to mean) and be a good person. No need to obey or even know the “Jewish Bible”, oh, maybe except for some of the psalms which we sing or bits and pieces of the prophets, but generally they teach little from the Gospels and nearly everything from the Epistles (don’t even get me started about how many misleading doctrines come from men misinterpreting those letters!)

I started and run this ministry to be a realistic view, to show you what the Bible says, to show you where it says that, and to give you what you need to make an informed decision about where you will spend eternity.

And that is really what we are all doing, every day of our lives- deciding where we will spend eternity.

Some will decide to do what is easy and be disappointed when they are told, at Judgement Day, they should have been more attentive to how God said they should live instead of what some men told them.

Others may be disappointed because they did what God said to do as best as they could, but could not be forgiven of their sins (which we all commit) because they rejected Yeshua as the Messiah.

Many, I believe, will be disappointed because they did as men told them to do instead of God, but had enough faith and obeyed enough of God’s instructions to make it in, but are considered least in the kingdom.

However, as a realist, I have to confess I may be wrong- I can’t speak for God, but I do trust that he will do as he said he will do, so the faithfully obedient will be saved and the guilty will be punished.

It is, ultimately, up to God to decide who is truly faithful, who is unsavable, and who falls into the least in heaven or greatest in heaven category.

I can’t tell you which of the three trinity elements you should be: and, as with everything else, it is your choice. Personally, I believe realism is the best choice because it allows you to see all sides and make an informed decision, but it is also the hardest position to take because you have to be well-studied, have an open mind, and trust no one to tell you what is right or wrong but be willing and disciplined enough to verify it for yourself.

Being a realist also means being willing to reject what is comfortable to believe.

One last thing: whenever we are dealing with God, Messiah, or the Bible, we must always remember to ask the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) for guidance in our understanding.

Thank you for being here and please subscribe to my website and YouTube channel, buy my books, and the most important thing is to share these messages with everyone you know.

That’s it for today, so l’hitraot and Baruch HaShem!