Does God Know the Future or Create It?

This might be one of the shortest messages I have ever done, and it isn’t so much as a revelation, as a “Duh!” statement.

If you prefer to watch a video, short as it may be, I will make one for you, so click on this link: Watch the (short) video.

So, how often do we read or hear that God knows what will happen in the future? After all, aren’t there (at least) 12 prophets in the Bible who tell us all that will happen, not just in the immediate future, but in the distant future, as well?

And hasn’t every, single thing that God has told the prophets to warn the people about come to be?

So, is this because the future is something that God can see, so he tells us what will happen?

Or, is it simply because God is both eternal and omnipotent, so whatever he says will happen does happen because he makes it happen?

If you ask me, it’s because he makes the future happen the way he wants it to happen

(Everyone together go: “Duh!“)

God doesn’t have to see the future: God has a plan and he makes whatever he wants to happen happen because, well, because he can.

However, I believe there is a level of flexibility: when he chooses someone to do something, because he gave us all Free Will, we can refuse to do as God has asked of us.

Think of Yonah, who first tried to escape God’s calling for him to go to Nineveh. Now, in this case, God was pretty adamant that it be Yonah, but how many others has God called that have not heeded his calling? We will never know because they never made it into the Bible, and we won’t hear about them on CNN or Fox news, either.

God will allow us to make our own way in the world, and he can do whatever he wants to do, in order to get us to go the way he wants us to go. But, still and all, I do not believe God will actually force us to do his will-we have to accept it.

If Yonah had not been responsible enough to tell the men to throw him overboard, maybe God would have let them all live, or had them all shipwrecked…who knows? I believe that if Yonah had continued to refuse to obey God, then God would have just sent someone else. God’s plan, which is the future to us, will always be accomplished, and that is simply because God makes the future happen the way he wants it to.

So, if someone asks me can God see the future, I will say “No. He doesn’t see the future, he makes it, which is why he knows what will happen.”

It’s that simple.

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That’s it for today, so l’hitraot and Baruch HaShem!