In One Gate And Out the Other

In Ezekiel 46 we are told about the third temple. One of the interesting things about the temple is that when someone enters the North Gate they are to go out the South Gate, and if they come in the South Gate they must exit via the North Gate.

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Now, as for the prince who enters the East Gate, which no one else may use and is closed except on Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh (the New Moon celebration, literally “Head of the Month”), he is to go out that same gate.

The prince, we assume, is the Messiah, so I was wondering why this command? What is it about the Messiah that he gets to use the same gate, or what is it about the people that they have to use a different gate? And not just a different gate, but the one opposite the one they came in through.

Well, I don’t have an absolute answer. It has been said that this is to establish an orderly flow of people, with the Messiah watching from his gate; basically, a means of traffic control.

I think the reason may be more of a spiritual nature, and I have seen this idea in other opinions and commentaries, as well, so please don’t think I am spouting some unique, divinely-inspired revelation.

I believe the order to come in one door and leave through another is to represent that as we come to know God and worship him, we will not be the same. The person who came in the temple will be a little bit different when that person leaves the temple, having been introduced and effected (hopefully) by their worship of God and exposure to his word.

It is a pity, really, that so many people come in and go out the same gate.

They come to attend the Sabbath services, and whether it be the Saturday or Sunday Shabbat, when they leave they go home and just keep doing what they had been doing before they left their house. Maybe they learned something new, maybe they had an enjoyable time in fellowship, or maybe they just did what they were supposed to do and now feel relieved that they don’t have to do it for another week.

I used to feel better that I attended Shabbat services when I was a kid, but I also went in and out the same gate. I felt that I had done my duty, but I had no real joy or love for worship, it was something I did because I knew I was supposed to do it.

I believe that is how many people- way too many people- feel about going to church or synagogue; they do it because they get a sense of relief that they did what they were supposed to do.

It isn’t much different than how the prophets told the people God rejects their sacrifices and offerings because their heart isn’t really in it.

I have to say that I am confident, although I can’t speak for the Big Guy, that any prayer or offering to God that is not done with a heartfelt desire to do so will not please God.

In other words, going through the motions won’t get you anywhere.

So, next time you go to worship at whichever house of worship you choose to use, you may not have the opportunity to use two separate doors (you would think a really good house of worship would know this commandment and provide two ways to get in and out, right?), but you can spiritually come in one door and go out another.

Listen, remember, but do not accept anything you are told as truth until you go home and verify it for yourself in the Bible. I am not saying that your rabbi or priest or minister (whatever) is purposefully misleading you, but they are probably just telling you what they have been told.

Let God tell you what he wants you to see in his word, and the best way that will happen is for you to sit and read the Bible, praying for divine guidance and understanding given through the Ruach haKodesh (Holy Spirit).

Of course, this really only works if you have already accepted Yeshua as your Messiah and asked for the Holy Spirit to indwell. God may still show you something to get you on the right track, so even if you haven’t asked for the Holy Spirit, don’t let that stop you. It didn’t stop me and now, 25 years later, I am so thankful that I had enough seykhl (Yiddish for common sense) to pray and act like I believed until something happened. And that something did happen months later when I fully accepted Yeshua as my Messiah, and that is when I felt the Ruach HaKodesh enter my body.

But, that’s another story, and if you want to hear it go to the bottom of the “About Steven” tab on my website.

Oh, yeah- hey! What about the Messiah using the same gate? Why is that?

Well, if you ask me (which someone just did) my answer is that he is already as worshipful and knowledgeable about God as anyone can ever be, and as holy as anyone can ever be, so he doesn’t need to use a different gate.

That’s it for now, so thank you for being here and please subscribe to my website and YouTube channel, buy my books, share these messages to help this ministry grow (invite all your friends to join), and join my Facebook group called “Just God’s Word” (please click that you agree to the rules).

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Until next time, l’hitraot and Baruch HaShem!