Is the Third Temple a Physical Temple or a Spiritual One?

One of the traditional Jewish expectations of the Messiah is that upon his arrival, he will rebuild the temple, which is known as the Third Temple. Currently, the Temple Mount is under Arab control, but that will change when Messiah comes to rule.

In the New Covenant writings, we read that Shaul (you know him- that nice Jewish Pharisee from Tarsus who makes tents and is also known by another name, which is Paul) tells the Corinthians that their bodies are a temple of the spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19).

And the new covenant (Jeremiah 31:31) which God made with the Jewish people (sorry, Christians, you came in second) says that the Torah will be written on our hearts, is clearly indicative of a spiritual change.

Now, when we take these two things, which are a third temple being built by the Messiah and the new covenant being a spiritual event, and add to that how Yeshua taught the Remes of the Torah (which means the deeper, spiritual meaning of the commandments; Remes is a term from PaRDeS, an exegesis tool in Judaism), we have to think that maybe, just maybe, this third temple is to be a spiritual one, and not necessarily a physical building on Mount Moriah.

So, nu! here is my point:

1. If the third temple is a spiritual one, and
2. Yeshua taught the spiritual meaning of the law, which
3. According to Shaul makes our bodies a spiritual temple, then
4. Can we say that the fulfillment of the Jewish expectation that the Messiah will build a third temple has already been done through Yeshua’s teachings?

I don’t know. But it does come together nicely, don’t you think?

What is even better is if I can get this to make sense to just one of my Jewish brothers and sisters, then maybe we can get more of God’s chosen to accept that Yeshua is their Messiah?

What do you think?

Well, that’s it for today so l’hitraot and Baruch HaShem!