Do you believe what you believe? In other words, are you totally confident that what you believe is true? If so, are you willing to question that belief, to the point of trying to prove to yourself that you are wrong?
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I have spoken to many people over the years who have a strong faith, or, at least, that is what they say, but when I question what they believe by bringing up examples from the Bible to show what they have been taught is not correct, they refuse to listen. They say their faith is strong, but apparently it isn’t strong enough to stand up to questioning.
If you believe something is true and biblically validated, then you should be able to argue for that belief, and not be afraid to have it challenged. In fact, you should challenge it, yourself, if for no other reason than to confirm that you are correct.
In a case where someone is not willing to challenge or stand up for what they believe, with anything other than the typical “party line”, then I believe that they are more comfortable than confident.
If you have been brought up with a certain truth, told to you by those who you have loved and respected your whole life, and you have been indoctrinated into the ceremonies and tenets of that belief system, then it becomes very comfortable. So much so, that the idea of learning something totally different, or worse yet- that what you have been told is wrong (oy gevalt!)- you will reject the idea completely, without even wanting to hear any arguments.
So, when you run into someone who strongly believes something is true that you strongly believe is not true, first challenge yourself to make sure what you think it is, is what it is. Then, if they are willing to challenge their belief, you can help them along with the reasons why you believe. For myself, and I recommend this approach, I never tell anyone what to believe, only what I believe and why. If it makes sense to them, then we are in agreement and maybe, just maybe, I have helped someone to get closer to God and his Messiah.
And you know what? There have been times in the past when it has helped me realize where I was wrong.
Always be willing to challenge what you believe because if you aren’t willing to do that, then I think you don’t really believe, as much as you are just comfortable with what you know, and God forbid you should do something or hear something that takes you out of that comfort zone.
Being in your comfort zone will always feel good, but the real definition of a comfort zone is stagnation; people who are in a spiritually static condition will never be closer to God or better, in God’s eyes. So, unless you are certain that you are perfect in God’s eyes, you might want to consider getting out of that easy chair called “religion” and making sure that what you believe is biblically correct.
That’s it for today. Thank you for being here, and please remember to subscribe and share these messages. So, l’hitraot and Baruch HaShem!