Be Patient…It Took Moses 80 Years

Prayer is something that we should be doing on a consistent basis. Every day, throughout the day; and, when we ask God for something, we can expect that he will hear our prayer.

But hearing doesn’t mean that he will answer as we ask. In fact, the answer can be anything from “Not yet”, to “OK”, to “NO!”

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One of the things that I believe is the hardest to deal with as a Believer is to maintain faith when we have continually asked God for something that we haven’t yet received.

It is difficult to deal with the biblical references that state asking God in the name of the Messiah will get us what we ask for. Yes, that is what Yeshua said (this is repeated in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John), but is that really to be taken literally?

Personally, I would love it if it was that easy. But it ain’t!

Let me share a personal experience: I had been praying for something for a long time. It was something to do with how I saw people and what my mind would automatically think, and after years of asking I finally received an answer… God told me it doesn’t work that way.

He made it clear that he would help, certainly, but it was up to me to discipline myself to stop those thoughts the moment they came to mind. It was not to be God, alone, rewiring my mind, but the two of us working together.

And I am still trying to be better, but now I see how God helps- when I find myself thinking the wrong way, which could be anything from a sexual thought when I see a beautiful woman to complaining (to myself) about something my wife does that drives me crazy (ain’t love wonderful?), something happens that takes my mind off those thoughts. I drop something that redirects my attention, or if I am driving a light changes suddenly, or any number of small, seemingly insignificant things happen which force me to stop thinking about what I was thinking about.

Now, someone may say that is just coincidence, but I don’t believe in coincidence; for me to believe that this is God taking a moment out of his busy schedule to help me attain that which I have prayed for is very comforting to me.

So, whenever I haven’t received what I have been praying for, I look for an answer that I didn’t expect. Lots of times God answers us pretty quickly, but in the way that he knows is best for us. The answer to prayer often is not what we ask for, but exactly what we need, and not when we want it, but at the precisely right moment when we need it.

And when I feel impatient waiting for God’s response, I remind myself that Moses was 80 years old before he began his walk with God. Hey, poor old Moses had to wait 80 years, and I was only in my 40’s when I came to know the Lord and his Messiah, so I consider myself way ahead of the curve!

So, nu! here’s the thing… keep asking, keep waiting patiently, and keep looking for the answer: it may not be what you asked for, but I guarantee it will be what you need, and delivered when you need it!

Thank you for being here and please remember to subscribe and share these messages. I have written a book about Prayer, which you can get through this link: Prayer.

That’s it for today so l’hitraot and Baruch HaShem!