Cease Fires are Useless

I do not want to make this ministry a hub for political arguments or agendas, but when it comes to Israel, how can any Jewish person, such as I, not say something? There won’t be any video today, and please excuse me for not doing my usual type of message.

First off, I read this morning there is another cease fire being proposed between Israel and Hamas. How many successful cease fires have there been between Israel and her enemies over the past decades?

Well, there have been 7 major battles fought between various Arab forces and Israel: 1948–49, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982, 2006, and 2023–present, and everyone of them had a cease fire agreement, at one time or another, so I would have to say the answer to the question of how many successful cease fires have there ever been between Israel and her enemies is: NONE!

Each one of those battles had a cease fire agreement, and some even had a peace treaty, and yet we are still at war today. What does this prove?

It proves what the ignorant world (including some of the politicians in Israel) refuse to acknowledge: the enemies of Israel do not want the land! They do not want the technology, they do not care one iota about anything other than the complete annihilation of Israel as a state, and the Jews as a people.

During the many centuries since 172 AD, when Rome completely decimated the Judeans in the third (and final) Judean-Roman Revolt, and dispersed the Jews throughout the Diaspora, the land laid fallow. The Arab nations surrounding that land only used it to feed their herds, and once the grasses were desiccated, they went back into their own country.

It is obvious to anyone with the ability to see facts and make valid deductions that the land of Israel has no value, whatsoever, to the surrounding countries. And even now, when God has blessed his people making Israel a world leader in technology, agriculture, and many other necessary sciences, the enemies of Israel do not want those valuable assets- all they want is the land to be cleansed of Jews.

I guarantee that if this happened (of course, God won’t let it, but speaking hypothetically) all that has been accomplished will be allowed to erode back into a desert, as it was all those centuries when the Arab nations all around Israel had the opportunity to make something out of the land, and didn’t.

Did you know that Jews represent 0.2% of the world population? That’s roughly 2 in every 1,000 people! Yet, they have been granted nearly 22% of all Nobel prizes ever awarded, across nearly every category?

But of all the Nobel prizes awarded over the decades, less than 1% have been given to Arabs.

What’s that tell you?

But the world wants the Jews destroyed, not the Arabs! Oy! Talk about killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.

OK, we agree that cease fires are useless because they never remain ceased, so what is the answer?

The answer is to do what God told Joshua to do, all those many millennia ago:

completely destroy our enemies!

We don’t need another cease fire, we need a cease Hamas! We need a cease Isis! We need a cease Hezbollah!

We need to ignore what the world says and forget trying to make peace with nations that have proven that all they want from us is to be dead. What we do need is to do what God said to do!

The world is on the brink of the Apocalypse- the signs are there stronger than ever before, and if the whole world is going to come against Israel (as we are told will happen in Revelation), then let’s get it over with quickly. The sooner this happens, the sooner Messiah will return and then things will be done the right way- God’s way!

I hope you all agree with my ranting, because if you want peace with our enemies, you will never see it happen…but you will always be disappointed.

That’s it for me this week, and I will ask you to please share these messages with everyone you know. Hey, you never know how fertile the soil is until you plant a seed in it.

L’hitraot, and (an early) Shabbat Shalom!