How Do You Use Your Gift?

If we look for verses in the Manual which talk to us about “gifts” we can find a number of them. There is the gift of prophecy, of teaching, the gift of Grace, and many others.

1 Peter 4:10 tells us that the gifts we receive we should use to help each other, and James 1:17 reminds us that every good gift comes from God.

1 Corinthians 12:12-26 exhorts us to use our gifts collectively, that no one gift is above any other, but we all are given gifts to be used collectively as in the body, meaning as one group working together to serve the Lord.

Exodus 35:30-35 tells us that Bezalel and Oholiab were given the gift of skills in all types of artistry to allow them to serve God by managing the construction of the Tabernacle.

One thing that I have noticed about gifts, which is the same (to me) as the use and administration of the Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) is that prior to Messiah Yeshua fulfilling His role as the final sacrifice for sin, the gifts and spirit were given to people as needed, but then revoked. The Spirit fell on Shimson (Samson) and it fell on Elijah, as well as other prophets and the heroes in the Book of Judges, but that Spirit was lifted up, again, and returned to God. It was a gift that was revocable.

However, after Messiah Yeshua gave up His Spirit, that same spirit was given to all who believe and accept Him as their Messiah as a gift that is irrevocable. God will send the Comforter to all who Believe and ask for it, and it will not come and go anymore: it will dwell within, for as long as we allow it to remain.

That’s right- I said for as long as we allow it to remain. Irrevocable means it won’t be taken back, but we can give it away, or more correctly, we can throw it away. That’s the thing about a gift: once given, it belongs to the one who possesses it, to do with it as they please. In my case, I try to use and listen to the Ruach all the time, but I am still learning and maturing in the Spirit. There are those that have accepted the Spirit but it proves too much for them to handle, so they ignore it or just throw it away, they become apostatized, and even the Bible tells us that once we have known the Ruach, known Messiah and then rejected Him, we have trampled His blood into the dirt (Hebrews 10:26-31.)

To know best how to use your gift, I guess you first need to know what it is. Yes, I believe there may be many who are not really sure what their gift is. We humans are easily led astray, and I do not doubt for a second that there are many who are trying to use what they believe to be their gift, which is really no more than a gift they want to have. As such, they are blinding themselves to their true gift. If you’re thinking you don’t feel quite right about what you think your gift is, talk with other Believers who know you and ask them to tell you, honestly, what they think your gift is. Nothing wrong with getting confirmation from those who have spiritual maturity.

Once you are sure about your gift, use it to please the Lord. The answer to the question, “How should I use my gift?” is given to you: read Colossians 3:17.

God has many gifts to give, and every gift He gives to us is precious and is to be used to honor Him. It’s all about God.

Regarding your gift: find it, know it, develop it and use it to help others in order to honor the Lord.

Remember what Yeshua told us: that which we do the these, even the least of His brethren, we do unto Him.


  1. Steven R. Bruck
    Shelly Larmore May 14, 2015 at 07:54

    The gifts of the Holy Spirit are a bit of a controversy for me! I hear of things like speaking in tongues, which I do believe has a purpose, but the ways I’m hearing it being used make no biblical sense to me. As you stated, the gifts are to honor him. How can we honor him by speaking to him in a “language” we don’t even understand? The Holy Spirit sends our needs to God. And God understands our heart. So even when we don’t know what to say, how can praying in a “language” we don’t understand bring us closer to God? And how does it bring him glory? I just don’t understand!!

    • Steven R. Bruck
      Steven R. Bruck May 14, 2015 at 08:19

      Glossolalia, or speaking in tongues, is a mysterious event. Shaul (Paul) tells us in Corinthians that the language of tongues is between us and God, but he also mentions that one should do so quietly, and privately. I, myself, have never accepted those who loudly babble in tongues are legit: I think they do it because they want others to see how “holy” they are. The bible tells us speaking in tongues is valid, it is godly (when it is real) and that it doesn’t have to be just between God and that person; if someone is truly speaking in tongues, Shaul tells us that there should be someone else there who is also gifted with interpretation so that the speaking may edify the congregation.
      For me, if someone is quietly mumbling under their breath, they may be speaking to God in tongues. That is fine. If someone is loudly speaking in tongues, but there isn’t someone else there who interprets, then it is false, as far as I am concerned, and they are just babbling wildly to impress the other people.

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