Only One Sin But Two Ways to Commit It

In my last message, I talked about how despite all the different ways we can sin which God tells us in the Torah, there is really only one sin, and that is always the sin against God. No matter what we do, or don’t do, sin is always just the one type: against God.

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However, there are two distinct ways in which we can commit that sin: purposefully or accidentally.

The sin we commit on purpose is easy enough to know because you do or don’t do something that you know, unquestionably, is a sin because God said it is. And knowing this, you decide to ignore God and do it, anyway.

Now, since we all sin and many times we do it knowingly but are incapable (at least, for the moment) to overcome it, we can repent of that sin and ask forgiveness through Yeshua ha Maschiach (Jesus Christ). If we repent and ask forgiveness through Yeshua, we will be forgiven.

Yes, even though we did sin on purpose, we can still be saved and in God’s presence when we are resurrected IF we repent, try not to sin, and (even when we fail) ask forgiveness for our sin through Yeshua. How can I be sure of this? I am sure because in Matthew 5:19 Yeshua says that even those who sin and teach others to sin will be called least in the kingdom of heaven. So, here is clear evidence that sinners will be allowed into heaven, even if they teach others to sin.

How can that be? Well, the answer (as I see it) falls under the other way we sin, which is doing so accidentally. Or, in many cases, ignorantly.

There are many, many people I have come across in the past quarter-century since I came to accept Yeshua as my Messiah who sin, violating God’s commandments about the Holy Days, about Kashrut (Kosher), the Shabbat (Sabbath), and many other “lesser’ commandments found in the Torah, yet they believe that they are worshiping God as they should. They have been taught to commit these sins by their religious leaders, family, and friends, who they, themselves, have been taught this by their religious leaders, family, and friends, and this goes all the way back to the end of the First Century.

These people are sinning against God, but they think they are worshiping him as he desires. It’s the epitome of the situation where the blind are leading the blind.

Because they are totally ignorant of this sin, they do not repent of it and that is a problem, but I believe that this falls under the category Yeshua was talking about in Matthew.

True, they are sinning, and true, they do not repent, but it is also true that this is accidental on their part, and although they are guilty, if they ask forgiveness of their sins, the ones they know and the ones they don’t know, then they can be forgiven.

God tells us in Leviticus 5:17:

“If someone sins by doing something against any of the mitzvot of Adonai concerning things which should not be done, he is guilty, even if he is unaware of it; and he bears the consequences of his wrongdoing.

This is also confirmed in John 9:41, where Yeshua tells the Pharisees that if they were ignorant of the law, they would not be guilty, but since they know it, they are guilty. And in James 4:17 we are told that anyone who knows the right thing to do and fails to do it is committing a sin.

There seems to be a fine line between purposeful and accidental/ignorant commission of a sin, and I think what separates one from the other is repenting of it when you find out.

For instance: if someone is raised Christian and told they are not obligated to celebrate a Saturday sabbath, that they can eat pork and shellfish, and do not have to celebrate those “Jewish” holy days, they are sinning but they are, for the most part, ignorant of those sins because they have been mistaught what the Gospels and Epistles in the New Covenant really mean. As such, they will be forgiven if they repent and ask forgiveness, once they actually are made aware of these sins. And, in my opinion, they must also try to overcome what they have been taught. If they cannot overcome their sins, but repent, feel sorrowful at their weakness, and constantly ask God to forgive them and help them to overcome these weaknesses, I believe from what I have read in the Bible and personal experience that God is not just willing to forgive but will forgive because he desires to forgive them, understanding our human weaknesses.

On the other hand, if someone knows they are sinning and just doesn’t care, or (as many people do) rationalize their sinfulness by saying health codes make food safe, or they were born this way so it means God is OK with them like this, or any other kind of rationalization (I have even heard people say that God is wrong!), well that isn’t going to be of any use to them at Judgement Day.

The way I handle this situation is to ask for forgiveness of my sins, those I know I committed and especially those I don’t know I committed, and through his Ruach HaKadosh (Holy Spirit) to recognize sin before I do it and strengthen me to be able to overcome it. This is part of my daily prayer, and I recommend it.

Remember this: most everyone you will ever meet who tells you what God means is telling you what someone else told them God means, so you can choose to trust people, or read for yourself what God really said and ask him to show you what he wants from you.

Thank you for being here and please share these messages with everyone you know, subscribe to my ministry here on my website ( and on my YouTube channel, and check out my books. Buy a hundred or so and distribute them where you worship.

I’m done for today, so l’hitraot and Baruch HaShem!

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