Why Should I Repent if I’m Already Saved?

Recently I have been teaching about the lies and misrepresentations of being automatically “saved”, so I thought I would do a little more on why it is important to be aware of what we do, every day.

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I was somewhat motivated to review this topic by someone’s response to my recent post, saying that because I said OSAS is a lie (and I really don’t think they understood it, at all), I was not spiritual, not saved, and worshiping a false God.

Wow! Well, in case that person who, by the way, didn’t even show their face on their avatar, is still reading or watching my videos, let me try this, again.

When someone believes that there is nothing they have to do after professing faith in Yeshua, believing that they are now saved from the eternal consequences of their sins no matter what happens, then they WILL eventually begin to lose respect for that salvation, take it for granted, and eventually stop repenting.

How can I make such a profound statement? Easy- I read the Bible and I know human history!

We can see throughout the Tanakh that as soon as the Israelites got comfy-cozy, they began to do exactly what God told Moses they would do in Deuteronomy 31. And after Yeshua went back to God, and the Jewish leadership of the movement he began died out, with only Gentiles now leading the people, what was then being called Christianity morphed further and further away from Judaism, and they made the same mistakes we made, only they made even worse ones!

They rejected God’s Torah, and instead of properly representing Yeshua, they formed their own “savior” (they don’t even use the term “Messiah”!), created their own holidays (rejecting the ones God said to celebrate), their own ceremonies, rites, and even their own Sabbath day.

So, with all that history to go by, I am positive that when someone thinks they are saved, forever, and that it can’t be lost, they will become totally devoid of any concern when they sin, and that is equivalent to being unrepentant. And, on top of that, since they believe they are automatically forgiven, they won’t be repentant, which has to result in them not even asking for forgiveness!

Geeze! Even the Roman Catholics know enough to ask for forgiveness, although they are not going to have any success by asking a man to forgive them instead of God.

And, again, from what I read about God in the Torah, I strongly doubt that he will forgive a sinner (which we all are) who doesn’t recognize their sin, repent, or ask forgiveness.

Sadly, that is the condition the vast majority of Christians are in, without even knowing it.

So, if you think that I am not really saved, or that I worship a false God, or that I can’t be “born again” because I think that we can throw our salvation away by sinning without being repentant, well… I suppose we will both have to wait until we are in front of God at Judgement Day, and then we’ll find out who gets the nice place and who doesn’t.

To the rest of you, thank you for being here and please remember to share these messages with everyone you know, even non-believers. After all, you never know how fertile the soil is until you plant a seed in it.

That’s it for this week, so l’hitraot and (an early) Shabbat Shalom!

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