Even though this website has an “About me” page, I thought it would be nice to share a little something about me. If you prefer to watch a video, sorry-I am not doing one today. I was raised in a reform Jewish house, where I was pretty much the only
Have you ever asked yourself how Adonai could regret something he did? I mean, if he knows everything, including the future, then shouldn’t he have known what would happen, to begin with? If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. One example of Adonai
I recently saw a video of someone complaining that as they were preaching the word in a crowded subway car, no one was paying any attention. That made me think how Ecclesiastes has a lesson for us regarding street preaching. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this
The Christians have Original Sin, and we Jews have the Yetzer Hara (Evil Inclination), both pretty much saying that we are all born as sinners. But could what we consider to be a sinful nature simply be a survival instinct? If you prefer to watch a video, click on this
I do not want to make this ministry a hub for political arguments or agendas, but when it comes to Israel, how can any Jewish person, such as I, not say something? There won’t be any video today, and please excuse me for not doing my usual type of message.
Many of us have memories of places we have been, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but I believe that as bad as some of these places were, pretty much everyone has one place that they feel is the worst place they have ever been. But I’m telling you that no matter
Have often have your heard people say that Jesus died for our sins? And he did, but it isn’t his death that saves us. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. The sacrificial system has 5 steps: You have to sin (no sin,
There are hundreds of versions of the Bible, over 450 in English, alone, not to mention that today it has been translated into some 756 different languages! There’s gotta be a whole lotta different interpretations of the same verse(s), what with all those different interpreters, differences that happen when one
We know that sin is a violation of the law, but if there is no law then there can be no sin, and if there is no sin, there is no need for forgiveness, so…we don’t need Yeshua anymore. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link:
Just to let you know, I am not going to post anything else until next year. The Torah is more than a book of laws and regulations, it is a historical narrative of the Jewish people (not to mention how the Universe was created). Inside the Torah there is a