When Donna and I were Docents at the Philadelphia Zoo, we were told when asked why animals are the way they are, not to use the words creation or evolution, but to use the word adaptation. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with Yiddish, tsouris means troubles or problems. If you are old enough or competent enough to understand what I just wrote, then you know what tsouris is like because life is full of tsouris. If you prefer to watch a video, click on
You know the type- they tell you what you must believe, they have their own ideas formed by taking verses or phrases out of context and forming an entirely different tenet based on it, and they also insult you, your beliefs, and even go as far as to tell you
This seems silly, doesn’t it? To ask how God views sin; I mean, isn’t it obvious that God sees sin as anything we do that he doesn’t approve of. But what about the laws people make? Does God see doing 75 in a 45 mile per hour zone as a
In 1st Samuel 19, we are told that Mikhal, David’s wife and daughter of Saul, told David to hide from the assassins Saul had sent, and in verse 13 of that chapter we read that to fool the men sent to kill David, she took the household idol and placed
I read a little in my Bible every day. I start at Genesis and go through to Revelation, then I start all over again. Recently, going through the Book of Joshua, I have seen some very discomforting similarities between what happened in those days, and what is happening today. If
First off, let’s set the record straight- heaven is the domain and abode of God and the angels. According to everything we read, especially in Revelation, we who are written in the Book of Life will be on a new Earth, with a new Jerusalem lowered from the heavens. If
We are told that God knows the heart and mind of everyone (Chronicles 28:9, Jeremiah 17:10), so if he is able to know what we are thinking and feeling, why then do we need to speak to him in prayer? If you haven’t already subscribed, please do so now, to
In the Book of D’varim (Deuteronomy), Moses is recounting the last 40 years to the people, and in Chapter 11 he reviews all the miraculous events that God performed, including the blessings that he will give for continued obedience, and the curses that he will send for disobedience. If you
In Numbers 15:32-41, we read about a man who was out gathering sticks on the Shabbat, well after the commandment about not doing any work on the Shabbat was known to all, and he did this in full view of all the people. His punishment, which Moses asked God to