The previous Parashah described the Tent of Meeting, or Tabernacle, and now we get to the regulations about those serving in the tent. Aaron and his sons were chosen by God to be His Cohen HaGadol, His High Priests, and only those who are direct descendants are to carry on
We, as a nation, a people and a society, are just too busy doing something to be able to do anything. We are so involved in getting things done that we don’t get anything done- it’s Crisis Management as a lifestyle. And how many of us force our kids into so
That isn’t so much of a revelation, is it? How many of us have had a “falling out” with someone? Usually it’s over something that isn’t really that important, but was at the time we had the falling out. And how much easier is it to just accept that relationship is
This parashah gives us many of the civil laws we are to follow, starting with laws regarding slaves/bondsmen. It is interesting to note that there is only one Hebrew word for both slave and bondsman, indicating that the system of slavery we think of (that within the Roman, Greek and
You’re probably thinking to yourself, “OK. Where is he going with this one?” I was a Combat Engineer in the Marine Corps, and one of the many things we did was construction. I have also worked in the home remodeling field. When you are building a roof, you carefully measure
It’s all about control. Well, that’s what I believe. If you have a different reason click the Comment button and please share with us. But it really is all about control. The world teaches us, from Day One, that we should take care of Numero Uno (this being a Messianic
Moses’s father-in-law, Yitro, brings Moses’s wife and two sons to him now that he has taken the people close enough to their home on the way to Sinai. And after staying the night, Jethro (who apparently has converted from paganism after hearing about all that God did) sees Moses all day
Before I was saved I didn’t know the bible, at all. I knew what I had been told, or what I thought they had said, and that was it. And that was not always correct, either. How many people do you think would say yes if you asked them, “Does the
Arnold Schwarzenegger. Lou Ferrigno. Steve Reeves (you have to be in my age group to remember him.) When we think of those names we think of one thing- muscles! Big, well-developed muscles. They got those muscles through hard work, dedication and sacrifice. And after all that work, after all that
The Israelites are in the desert, free from Egyptian slavery. However, now the Egyptians (mainly Pharaoh) have realized what they did, and are regretting their letting the Israelites go. So Pharaoh gets all his chariots together and rides out. I don’t believe he wanted to kill them all, for what