
In the first letter Shaul (Paul) wrote to the Corinthians, in Chapter 8 he talks about the eating of meat that has been offered to idols. He says, outright, that it is fine to eat that meat without sinning. But the letter the Elders in Jerusalem had written to the
If you’re not familiar with the term, a gold digger is someone who forms a relationship with someone else for the purpose of getting their money, or some other asset. Their love is strictly for the thing(s) they can receive, and not for the one giving it. If you prefer
I think we all know which commandments Yeshua said are the most important, right? Isn’t it from Matthew 22:37-40? Well, if that is so, then why does he give a totally different set of commandments in three separate gospels when asked what does someone have to do to be saved?
I think we all know which commandments Yeshua said are the most important, right? Isn’t it from Matthew 22:37-40? Well, if that is so, then why does he give a totally different set of commandments in three separate gospels when asked what does someone have to do to be saved?
Let me place my Disclaimer out there right now- this message is mostly just my opinion. You can disagree, or agree, and in either case, if you have biblical justification for your opinion, please let me know. If you prefer to watch me opine in a video, click on this
For those who aren’t tech-savvy, dial-up service, which you might know better as DSL, was how we used to connect to the Internet, and always had that tweetle-like noise as it was connecting. It was as slow as molasses flowing uphill against the wind in November… in Maine! Now, fiber
Is there such a thing as false praise? I think there is: it’s when someone says something so very, very “praiseful” (is that really a word?), but their intention is not to praise but to receive praise. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the
In the Gospels, Yeshua (Jesus) tells us that when we pray in his name, that which we ask for we will receive. But if we have accepted Yeshua as our Messiah, wouldn’t God already know that? Why do we have to speak it? If you prefer to watch a video,
The Book of Kohelet has often been misunderstood, and I suppose that’s because it starts off telling us that everything is pointless, and that all our efforts are no more useful than chasing the wind. Okay, I get it- someone isn’t happy with how things they have done has turned
Whoa!! Stop the music! How can Satan rule the earth when we all know that God rules the universe? Because the Bible says he does. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. Haven’t you ever heard of Chain of Command? When I was