I haven’t been very dutiful in my posting the last couple of weeks, and I probably won’t post again for another week or two. I am getting surgery on my back to fuse my L5 vertebrae to L4 since the L5 is shifting. I have been dealing (painfully) with sciatica
This is going to be a real easy lesson today, but as with many things that seem easy, to actually be able to utilize this in your life is not easy. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. So, the secret to happiness,
If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. Have any of you noticed I haven’t been around for a while? Donna and I spent the beginning of February celebrating our 25th anniversary with friends who live outside of London, and when we came back,
We refer to God as our Father in heaven, right? So, today when I ask who your Daddy is, I am referring to the one in heaven. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the
How do we pronounce the Tetragrammaton, the 4- letters (יהוה) which signify who God told Moses to tell the people sent him to them? Are God the Father and Yeshua the Messiah really one entity in two distinct persons? Was Job a real person? How many other questions have you
I don’t mean to sound envious of these gigantic churches that have maybe a thousand or more congregants, whereas I have only a couple of hundred subscribers, even though I am on the Internet, which gives me exposure to the entire globe! If you prefer to watch a video, click
I received an email the other day from someone who wanted to help me sell my books. They “invited” me to do an interview that would be run on YouTube, as well as multiple ads in different media outlets. It wasn’t much of an invitation because they wanted me to
When I was a Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps, I had a Top-Secret Clearance. And when you go to classes regarding clearance levels, you learn there are three essential factors in order to see any classified documents: You must have the proper clearance level. You must have access
Let’s talk about that age-old, never-to-be-settled argument about God and Yeshua being one and the same entity. Even if it starts as a discussion, this always becomes an argument and all it does is to cause consternation and division between Believers. And when that happens, it doesn’t serve God, but