In a world where we try to be better at everything, where you can go to almost any media and find someone who will tell you how to be a better person, how to communicate better with others, how to be in better shape, how to…well, how to be better
Of course he does- he changed it for Moses more than once, right?When the people sinned with the Golden Calf and God said he would destroy them, didn’t he tell Moses that he wouldn’t do that, after all, since Moses pleaded with him for the sake of the people? (Exodus
The Israelites are now at the border of the Promised Land, and they suggest to Moses to send spies in to reconnoiter the land before attacking it. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. This seems like a good idea to Moses, so
The link below will take you to a message I posted in April, 2021 and relates to a personal experience. After reading this, if you are thinking to yourself that it can’t be true because you have never encountered this sort of bigotry, then thank God that you have not
If you were to ask most any American, “What is a pilgrim festival?” I’ll bet their answer will be “Why, that would be Thanksgiving, the fourth Thursday of November.” But that isn’t really a pilgrim festival, is it? If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch
Moses has set up the tabernacle and consecrated it. Now he consecrates all the Levi’im as separated for God, in place of all the firstborn that God destroyed in Egypt. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. We are told how the camp
There was this man I knew when I was attending a Messianic Synagogue in Northeast Philadelphia. He had a gentle disposition, a real heart for God, and one other thing, which we talked about now and then: he felt that everything that happened to him, good or bad, was from
We all know the story: God sends his 10 plagues upon the Egyptians, but not until the tenth plague, the death of the firstborn, does Pharaoh give in to God and allow the Israelites to leave. But then, what does Pharaoh do? He gives chase after them. If you prefer
After reading the title of today’s message, you might be asking, “Hey, I believe in God, so what’s missing?” What might be missing is the difference between being told “Welcome, good and faithful servant” or “Be gone from me- I never knew you!” If you prefer to watch a video,
This weekend we celebrate Shavuot, which is one of the three pilgrimage Festivals (Pesach/Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot), so I thought we should have a lesson about this Holy Day. Shavuot is closely associated with Pesach because we are commanded to Count the Omer starting with the first Shabbat after Pesach,