
Here is the first thing you need to know, and if this isn’t going to work for you, then please go to another post because this is the rule for today: I am NOT arguing for or against either side of Trinitarianism or Unitarianism, and I do not want to
Without doubt, one of the most horrendous acts against the Jewish people was the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 73 AD. You see, God commanded that no sacrifice can be made except where he places his name (Deuteronomy 12:10-14). At first, that was the Tent of Meeting Moses
I was thinking about this while driving my car the other day, specifically regarding people who believe themselves to be Believers but don’t do what God said to do. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. What I was thinking was that there
I am taking a drug called Lyrica to relieve the very painful sciatica pain I currently have, which is from a back operation I had to relieve the sciatica pain. I did a video, also, so click here if you want to see it: Watch the video. As silly as
I want to say, from the start, that this is not something I received from God. This is my personal rant and so if anyone disagrees strongly or feels insulted or put-out, I apologize. I am NOT against anyone calling me “Brother Steve” or using “Brother” or “Sister” with other
Do you know the 10 Commandments? Most of us can tell you all ten, but the problem is whether or not those are the Real 10 Commandments. Specifically, it’s the first commandment I am talking about. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video.
These chapters begin with rules for the priests regarding not defiling themselves by having any contact with the dead (except for close family members) and marrying only a virgin. The Cohen HaGadol (High Priest) shall not even have contact with family members who die, nor shall he ever mourn (at
I am back from a week-long cruise in the Caribbean, which was restful and allowed me to catch up on  some reading. So now, it’s back to work… I know, I know…I am taking a risk that I might destroy the belief system founded on the idea of Original Sin
We are told that whatever we ask for, in Yeshua’s name, we will receive (John 14:13). Yet, I have heard so many people, so many times, not just ask God for what they want, they actually tell him what to do and how to do it! If you prefer to
We all know that God is capable of doing anything he wants to. It’s not even hard for him- he created the entire universe with a word, so making things happen in your life isn’t much more than a fleeting thought. If you prefer to watch a video, click on