
In the book of Leviticus, the first 7 chapters are the regulations for the sacrificial system, through which we can have our sins forgiven. And the instructions are quite clear that before the Cohen Hagadol (High Priest) can perform his duties for the people, he must first be cleansed, himself.
If you look on the Internet for an answer to this question, you will find many different viewpoints. I have often read that the other three gospels are synoptic, while John’s is spiritual; this seems to be the main explanation for the significant differences between John and the other three
By the way, in case anyone noticed that my usual Thursday message wasn’t posted yesterday, it’s because when you are retired, every day is a weekend. If it wasn’t for the letter on the top of my pill holder that I see when having my coffee, I wouldn’t know what
If you aren’t familiar with this particular passage in the B’rit Chadashah, it is where Yeshua (Jesus) is telling people that new wine cannot go into old wineskins, and a new patch (unshrunk cloth) should not be sewn onto old clothes. Instead, new wine must go into new wineskins. If
This reading starts with God telling Moses that every male over 20 needs to pay a half-shekel as a ransom for their life. This ransom is in accordance with the ransom one pays when killing someone accidentally, as in when in battle. If you prefer to watch a video, click
I suppose we are all familiar with the Beatitudes, or as they are also known, the “Be-Attitudes”. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. Many are also familiar with Matthew 5:17, which is where Yeshua says he did not come to change the
I’m back from a week’s vacation on the Royal Caribbean ship Symphony of the Seas: Donna and I are refreshed and looking forward to going out again in May on a Norwegian Cruise Line ship. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. As
I wil be taking a break for the next week and won’t be posting again until Tuesday the 14th. My wife and I will be celebrating our 24th wedding anniversary next week, and as we have been doing for the past 24 years, we will be celebrating it on a
In the previous two lessons, we discussed the similarities and the differences between Paul and the prophets of the Tanakh, and now I am going to try to bring it all together. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. All of these activities
God now gives Moses the laws making up a Penal Code, covering indentured servitude, murder (the difference between intended and accidental), kidnapping/ human trafficking, torts, payment for loss of time, and other crimes. if you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. God also