Having seen all the similarities between Paul and the prophets in Part 1, let’s now look at what was different between them. You may be surprised to find out that some of their similarities are also the basis for their differences. If you prefer to watch a video, click on
This is the first part of a three-part teaching series in which we will explore the similarities and differences between the prophets of the Tanakh and the Apostle Paul. In this first part, we will look solely at the similarities between what they did and how they did it. If
In this parashah, we are told that Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, meets him in the desert after they have been three months out of Egypt. Jethro has with him Zipporah and the two sons of Moses, who were sent to Jethro before Moses even got to Egypt (according to the Chumash,
A trinity is a threesome. It could be any three things, such as three golfers (although we usually call that a threesome), or three musical notes played together (although we usually call that a chord), or three spiritual beings that are connected in some way (that one we always call
If you ask me, there are two types of ignorance: passive and active. Neither type has anything to do with intellect, but both have to do with experience. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. Passive ignorance is the state in which a
The children of Israel have been freed from the slavery of the Pharaoh and are in the desert. God has them encamp between Migdal and the Red Sea (also called the Sea of Suf), knowing that Pharaoh will see this as his chance to reclaim the Israelites. If you prefer
At the end of the Gospel of Matthew, as Yeshua was lifted up to heaven, he told his disciples to go and make disciples of everyone. This is known to many as “The Great Commission”, and Yeshua was, essentially, telling his talmudim (students, or in this case, disciples) that they
I have often written about how Christianity has idolized Jesus. In many of the different sects within Christianity, he is considered not just the son of God, but God, himself, and as such, he is prayed to; he is asked for healing, and he is considered to be the one
God tells Moses to go before Pharaoh and tell him if he doesn’t humble himself before the Lord then more plagues will come, the next one being locusts that will destroy all that the hail left behind. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the
I once talked about how the Bible is just a book when I was giving a message at the place I used to worship, and not only did I get some pretty passionate disagreements, but one person actually walked out on me. If you prefer to watch a video, click