
Let me start off by saying that when Gentiles who have been raised with traditional Christian teachings which turned them away from the Torah, later in life come to realize the truth of what Yeshua taught and turn their hearts to God’s commandments, there is nothing that can be wrong
From this point on in the Book of Genesis, Jacob and his sons take a back seat to the story of Joseph. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. Joseph has dreams indicating that he will be the leader over his brothers which
Right off the bat, let me wish everyone living in the United States a Happy Thanksgiving Day. Of course, given today is a national holiday to give thanks, you might expect a message about that. Well, it ain’t gonna happen because everyone is already giving thanks, and I would be
It is very hard to recognize the value of punishment when it is happening to you. Especially if that punishment is not one just designed to teach you a lesson, but the sort of vengeful punishment that human beings generally dish out to each other. If you prefer to watch
Have you read the Book of Psalms? I just finished it, on my way through the Bible, and besides the beautiful poetry, the heartfelt yearning for God, both the pain and joy that the different psalmists felt (that’s right- King David wasn’t the only one writing psalms), one thing I
How many times have you heard people ask why, if God is forgiving, loving, and compassionate, does he punish us? If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. How many times have you heard people say that the God of the Old Covenant is
We left Jacob being sent by Isaac to Haran to find a wife from his own people. One night along the journey, while Jacob sleeps outside the town of Luz, God comes to him in a dream and confirms the same promises that he gave to Isaac and to Abraham.
We all have been taught that we are saved by faith, not works, but that isn’t the whole story. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. Faith is not something that we are born with, and it is not something we can earn
You may be thinking that salvation is a gift from God that no one can have taken from them. And you are right- no one can take our God-given salvation from us, but we can certainly throw it away. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link:
This parashah begins with the story of Isaac and Rebekah, how she struggled with her pregnancy and was told (by God) that she had two nations in her. When the time came to give birth, Esau came out already hairy, with Jacob holding onto the heel of Esau. If you