
Lately, I have had a few Christian Facebook friends chide me, so to speak (and nicely, too, which I appreciate) about my somewhat bigoted attitude towards Christianity and Christians. Let me set the record straight- I am not against Christians, I am against Christianity. It is sort of like the
Before we start, I wanted to let you know I have published my 4th book, “The Good News About the Messiah for Jews”, Debunking the Traditional Lies About the Jewish Messiah. It is not just for Jews, of course, but for both Jews and Christians who have been told many
Welcome back to the beginning of the word of God. With Shemini Atzeret past us, we are now starting the annual cycle of readings from the Torah, all over again, and that puts us here, at the beginning where the Torah tells us all about the beginning. If you prefer
I have always thought that God gave us free will and would never do anything to abrogate our right to make our own decisions. But, reading through the Tanakh- especially the books of the prophets- I wonder if I am wrong about that. If you prefer to watch a video,
Here we are, again, at the end of a Torah cycle. Time to march the Torah around the neighborhood, with singing and shofar blowing. Then, after returning to the synagogue, we read the last lines of Deuteronomy and while the congregation sings and dances we roll back the Torah to
Ezekiel was a prophet who certainly had a rough time of it. He was tied with ropes and forced to lie on his side, being fed just bread and water for years, some years on his left side and some on his right side. He was made mute, God had
Here we are at Sukkot, again, which this year happens exactly on the first day of Fall. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. Sukkot is, traditionally, believed to be the time when Messiah Yeshua was born, and this is verified by the
First off, I want to say to everyone the traditional Jewish greeting we pass to each other on Yom Kippur, which is: May you have an easy fast. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. So often over the years, I have heard
In my last message, I talked about how despite all the different ways we can sin which God tells us in the Torah, there is really only one sin, and that is always the sin against God. No matter what we do, or don’t do, sin is always just the
I bet some of you are expecting me to talk about the Akidah, Genesis 22 (the Binding of Isaac) because that is the traditional reading for Rosh HaShanah. Other traditions are the eating of sweets, such as apples with honey and carrot tzimmes. We stay away from nuts because the