
In my last message, I talked about how despite all the different ways we can sin which God tells us in the Torah, there is really only one sin, and that is always the sin against God. No matter what we do, or don’t do, sin is always just the
I bet some of you are expecting me to talk about the Akidah, Genesis 22 (the Binding of Isaac) because that is the traditional reading for Rosh HaShanah. Other traditions are the eating of sweets, such as apples with honey and carrot tzimmes. We stay away from nuts because the
This is the first parashah message I have given in nearly three weeks, due to vacations and such, so it is nice to be back. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. Moses has just finished giving the people his discourse on what
I am still in the book of Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) and reading about the prophecies God told Jeremiah to relate to the people. There is a constant theme in these prophecies, which we see throughout the Tanakh, regarding God’s threat to punish Israel (Northern and Southern kingdoms) if they fail to
Did you ever think how unfair it seems that the entire nation of Israel was punished for the sins of its leadership? If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. In the Northern Kingdom of Shomron, the evil kings were certainly bringing the nation
How many times do we read in the Bible that God says we are to be holy, as he is holy? Too many times to count, right? If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. But we are human beings; mortal, finite, and born
Well, did you miss me? Did anyone even notice that I was gone for 10 days? There is something that Donna and I love to do when we need to get away, but we haven’t been able to do it for over 18 months. And what that is is to
Every morning when I take my daily meds, which is always proceeded by my thanking God for these meds and that they work for me and Donna, a thought came to mind…if God knows what I am thinking and he knows the gratitude in my heart, why am I thanking
That’s right- I got nuttin’ today. However, as a man of the cloth, so to speak, if I just start jabbering away, something will come to me. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. So should we talk about the current condition of
The Lord commands the people that when they have entered the land they are to go to Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim, and with the people split into two groups, some on the one mountain and the rest on the other mountain, they are to announce to the land the