At the beginning of this parashah, the Israelites have come to the border of Cana’an, and 12 men, one prince from each tribe, are sent into the Land to reconnoiter and bring back a report. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. The
I have read that Yeshua gave 6 commandments, and we read about them in Mark 10:17-20 when Yeshua relates a story about when a young man asks what he has to do in order to be saved. Yeshua answers that he has to follow the commandments, and the six he
We all know this statement, the one Yeshua made to Kefa (Peter) when Kefa chided him for saying that he must die. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. Yet, I don’t think anyone really believes that Yeshua was accusing Kefa of being
This parashah begins with the anointing of the tribe of Levi to perform the service of the Sanctuary. They are washed and all Israel lays their hands on them, then the Levites laid their hands on and sacrificed a bull and a burnt offering. God reminds Moses to tell the
One of the issues Yeshua had with the Pharisees and their teachings was that some of their man-made traditions were given precedence over what God said. These traditions have become part of Halacha, the Way to Walk, which is defined in the Talmud. If you prefer to watch a video,
It seems ridiculous that a sinner would be allowed in heaven, doesn’t it? I mean, really? If I sin, then I cannot be in the presence of the Lord, God Almighty, can I? If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. No, of course
As we read at the beginning of this book, the first thing that God had Moses do was to take a census to determine the number of men able to go to battle. In this parashah, God has Moses count the Levites and identifies who is to carry which parts
When Yeshua was preaching in Jerusalem, thousands of people came to hear him, as did thousands when he was wandering from one Judean town to another. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. Yet, despite there being thousands who accepted Yeshua as the
Well, that’s an interesting question, isn’t it? The obvious answer is: YES! Of course, he is- that’s what the Messiah is all about! Didn’t you hear that he died for our sins? Didn’t you read in Isaiah that he was wounded for our transgressions? Didn’t he, himself, say that the
I know, I know…so many of you are saying, “He’s wrong! Paul said that Jesus did away with the law, and the Elders in Jerusalem said Christians only had to do 4 things in their letter in Acts 15, and besides that, I have always been told that the Torah