
What is one of the first things Christians are taught? Isn’t it that they are to follow in the footsteps of Jesus? Doesn’t that bracelet with the “WWJD” on it mean that the wearer wants to live their life the way Jesus did? Then why is it that Christianity (and
You’ve all heard of the Holy Trinity, right? Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit? Are you aware that this is not the only trinity that we have in the world? If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. The heavenly trinity represents, from a
In his letter to the Romans, Shaul (Paul) says that the Torah identified what sin is (Romans 7), earlier saying that Grace can always overcome sin (Romans 6). He then goes on to ask if Grace can overcome sin, does that mean we can go on sinning? If you prefer
When we read the Gospels, we see that Yeshua mentioned 2 of the 10 Commandments during his sermon on the Mount, but throughout the Gospels he didn’t really talk a lot about the Torah. Have you ever wondered why the Son of God didn’t teach people about the Torah, yet
The festival of Sukkot is a joyous Holy Day, which is different from a holiday. You see, a holiday is a man-made celebration, whereas a Holy Day is one of the celebrations that God commanded us to observe, all of which are found in Leviticus 23. But did you know
I have constantly prayed that God would rewire my brain to remove the conditioning I have been exposed to my entire life. That conditioning is from every TV, radio, and written advertisement I have ever seen, heard, or read, which has conditioned me to see women as sexual objects. And
I am doing this message a little early because Hurricane Milton is coming through later tonight and tomorrow, and I might not have any electric power with which to post this. I have often heard the Christian teaching that the Torah was done away with by Yeshua’s sacrifice, which I
First off, pray for us here in Florida, USA, because Hurricane Milton is almost upon us. As I write this it is just east of Mexico, and a Category 5 hurricane, one of the largest and most powerful in recorded history. It will hit our west coast on Wednesday, 10/9
The traditional Torah reading for this Holy Day is called the Akedah, the Binding of Isaac, and it is in Genesis 23. This passage is also well-known as being messianic, indicating the way the Messiah will show obedience to his father and that he will be a sacrifice. If you
Timothy was a protégé’ of Shaul (Paul), and was in Ephesus at the time this letter was written to him. Because Timmy was very young for a leadership position, Shaul encouraged and supported him to be confident. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the