
I believe that God hears every, single prayer sent to him, and that he also has the final word about how he will act regarding that prayer. God may act immediately, giving you what you ask for, or he may wait until there is a perfect time, and then answer
This phase, which Yeshua gave as the lesson at the end of a parable in Matthew 20, has been confusing to many people, including myself. However, just recently I realized that I can now understand this based on combining it with the statement God made in Ezekiel 18:23. Lets’ look
One of the traditional Jewish expectations of the Messiah is that upon his arrival, he will rebuild the temple, which is known as the Third Temple. Currently, the Temple Mount is under Arab control, but that will change when Messiah comes to rule. In the New Covenant writings, we read
I have often considered, and said so, that when someone kneels before a statue of a saint, and prays to it, that it is a form of idolatry, violating the second commandment. I checked this out on the Internet and found a post from the Diocese of Brooklyn (Yo, Brooklyn-
We read and hear about God’s Grace all the time; it may describe an action from God, it can also describe a prayer said before a meal, but it is not forgiveness. When we read or hear about “God’s Grace”, it is usually associated with forgiveness, which leads to salvation,
Throughout the Bible, we see that the way the kings of Israel and Judea (Northern and Southern kingdoms, respectively) worshipped was forced upon the people, and when the kings did what was right in God’s eyes, they were all blessed; but, when the kings did what was wrong in God’s
Before we can determine if Christianity is wrong, we should identify what the words “Christianity” and “wrong” represent. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. I looked at a few definitions of Christianity on the Internet, and this one seems to be the
According to the Tanakh, every tenth animal under the hook is to be holy for Adonai (Lev. 27:30), yet many Christian religions say that tithing is not required anymore. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. But if tithing isn’t required, how do
I was just watching the movie “Ghost” with Donna the other night, and at the end of the movie, when his girlfriend sees him as he goes up into the lights where all the people come to greet him, I thought to myself: “What a bunch of hooey!” If you
In ancient Rome, before forensic medicine, when someone wanted to “take out” somebody, and I don’t mean go on a dinner date, they would poison them with a slow-acting poison, putting just a little at a time in their food, so that the person would think they were getting sick