
This is a simple post today, no video- just plain, old common sense backed up by the Bible. Before we start, though, if you haven’t subscribed please do so today because any day now I will be posting my new book deals and you don’t want to miss out on
If you would prefer to see a video, click on this link: Watch the video. Don’t forget to Subscribe so you can get in on the deals when my newest book is released later this month.  Chapter 8 (verses 1-11) of the Gospel of John tells the story of the
No video today, and some of you may even have noticed this isn’t my usual day for posting. I had to write this because of what I read this morning in the paper.  In the Florida Today paper there is a Catholic Priest who has been relieved of his flock
Don’t forget to subscribe so you can be notified when my newest book, “Parashot Drashim- A Commentary on the Weekly Torah Readings for Both Jews and Gentiles” will be available. I will be offering special deals to those who are subscribers.  If you prefer to watch a video, click on this
No video today, but keep watching for my new book to be available soon.  If you haven’t already subscribed, please do so now to be notified of the release of my and to get in on the best deals.  When I write these messages, which I prefer to the term
Don’t forget to look for the publishing of my newest book, “Parashot Drashim- A Commentary on the Weekly Torah Readings for Both Jews and Gentiles” due out in September.    If you would prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. “Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means
Before we begin, please watch for my latest book, Parashot Drashim A Commentary on the Weekly Torah Readings for Both Jews and Gentiles coming out soon.  I really recommend the video for this one. To watch the video of this interview, click on this link: Watch the video. Steve: Today
It’s almost here!! My newest book, Parashot Drashim A Commentary of the Weekly Torah Reading for Both Jews and Gentiles is almost ready for publication.  Watch for it.  If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. As a (former active duty) Company Executive Officer