
No video today. I didn’t have anything in mind this morning and just as I was typing the title for today’s post it came to me:  we need to understand when to shut up. I can speak very well on this topic because (as the saying goes): “Those who can’t
  If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. One of the things I have heard often is the statement that when Jesus was nailed to the cross, the law was nailed to it with him. This is similar to the statement that because
If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. Please remember to Subscribe by clicking on the Subscribe button in the right hand column. As always, there is just so much in this reading to talk about. We are told about the cleansing ritual using
(Too dressed-down to do a video today. ) I present this drash today only as something interesting to think about. Did Yeshua ever sin? The answer has to be a very loud, “NO!! He was the sinless lamb of God; he was in perfect obedience to the Torah his whole
If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. I will unquestionably be opening a can of worms with this post, so to all reading this (or watching the video) I ask that you please do not shout back at the monitor or bang your
If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. The great mutiny. Korach, Abiram and Dathan were all leaders within their respective tribes. Korach was a Levite and the other two were from the tribe of Reuben. They came against Moses and Aaron with accusations
No video today. I am a member of a number of Christian, Messianic or Hebraic Roots discussion groups. They all have value for learning and sharing ideas, yet it is a shame so many people within these groups undervalue themselves and others with their obnoxious and prideful statements. You can
No video for this message- it’s a short one. Just about everyone knows that when he was being nailed to the execution stake Yeshua asked God to “forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.” When we pray for others it is called Intercession. Intercession is a good
If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. The people have been travelling in the desert for a little more than 2 years and have come to the border of the Promised Land. Moses, per God’s command, sends out spies to reconnoiter the land;