
There won’t be a video today because coming off a cruise Donna and I were on last week we both got sick, which has left me voiceless. Apparently an answer to someone’s prayer.   Today I would like to talk about something that seems complex but is really quite simple: the
If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. Chapter 23 of Leviticus tells us of the Moedim, the Holy Days we are to celebrate to the Lord. These are the only God-commanded festivals that we are to observe; that doesn’t mean we cannot observe
If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video.   Today I am going to do something totally different- I am going to have a short and to-the-point message. That message is this: the Bible is a book, written by human beings that were divinely
I would not disagree with the statement that we are all shaped by our past. The specific experiences each one of us have lived through definitely affect us, forming our viewpoints and our beliefs. However, I disagree with the old expression that experience is the best teacher: that isn’t really
If you would prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video.   The bible is often incorrectly defined as being made up of two separate books: the Jewish, or Hebrew bible, and the New Testament. For myself, and others like me who believe that all of
If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video.   These chapters deal with the purification procedures for a person after childbirth, when Tzara’at (leprosy, or some infectious skin disease) breaks out and if one suffers any type of bodily secretion. It should be noted
If you prefer to watch a video, I didn’t do one for this post. Sorry. For three years I have been an annual pass holder for a really enjoyable activity at the Brevard Zoo called Tree Top Trek. It is a series of fun obstacles that are set up in
If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video.   In this reading we continue with the sanctification ceremonies of the Tabernacle and the Cohanim (Priests.) Starting with Chapter 11, we are given the Laws of Purity that God has commanded for all people.  But
If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video.   How often do we proclaim that God is in control? How many times (you don’t really have to count) does the Bible tell us that God is in control? Yet, it seems that too many
If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video.   Can you imagine what 1,000,000 candles would look like if they were all lined up in a row? Can you picture in your mind what 1,000,000 dollar bills would look like if they were stacked