One of the most important things to know when interpreting the Bible is the rule of Circles of Context. One should never take a single verse or passage out of the book, and make an argument or interpretation based solely on those few words. Incorporated into that rule is the
I know this sounds a little off; I mean, of course I accept God for who he is. What else can I do? He is the Lord of lords and King of kings, and the Almighty. Who else would I think he is? If you prefer to watch a video,
There are two very important messages in the Megillah of Esther; one has to do with the fact that even if Esther didn’t ask the king for protection, it would come from some other source (this implies God’s protection, but did you know that this is the only book in
What could I possibly do that would, in any way, ever lessen the importance of, or cheapen, the powerful name of the Messiah, Yeshua?Maybe that happens when we use it so often and so automatically that it carries no weight, anymore? If you prefer to watch a video, click on
I have stated this a number of times, and sometimes I get someone who disagrees, stating that there were people in the Bible who are said to be blameless and righteous.And they’re right, but does that mean they were also 100% Torah observant? If you prefer to watch a video,
Proverb 22:6 says this: Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. The problem I see in the world is that parents don’t want to be parents to their children, they’d rather be friends. If you prefer
Way back in September of 2020 I wrote a message about rehearsing our anger, and stated that it is something I continually do, but am working at stopping it (click here if you want to read that message). Guess who hasn’t made one inch of progress? If you prefer to
I would like to start by announcing that my website, which you may recall had been hacked to non-existence about a month ago, is now back up. Kudos to my Web Master, Travis, for having backups and knowing how to get things restored. If you prefer to watch a video,
We all know that the Bible tells us not to take vengeance, which is some form of retribution against someone who has harmed or wronged us in some way. Instead, we are told to wait upon the Lord, because he says that vengeance belongs to him (Deuteronomy 32:35). But… did
How many times have you heard that the best way to get to know someone is to walk a mile in their shoes? That’s an age-old adage that really makes sense, but with all of the hatred in the world, I gotta think that no one is wearing any shoes,