
Yeshua told us that when we pray, we are to pray in his name- not to him, but in his name, meaning to use him as a sort of reference when praying (which is assumed to be directly to God) so that God knows we are one of Yeshua’s flock.
Recently a friend of mine, who is a long-time Believer, had a crime committed against him. He had something valuable stolen, something that the crook might resell or just keep for him/herself. When I asked if the crime was reported, my friend said that he didn’t report it, but has
This may sound redundant, but really- thank God for God! If not for him, what would we have to look forward to? If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. There would be no afterlife, unless you were a believer in reincarnation, and the
I am writing my fifth book, which is a book about the Bible for people who want to know what the Bible says, but don’t want to have to read the whole thing. And in the introduction, I review how the Bible was put together. And when I did that,
I know, I know, Shaul tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-20 that we are to pray unceasingly, but sometimes I feel so angry about something, or my heart isn’t really into it, that I believe it is more respectful to God not to pray than to act it out, without
This might be one of the shortest messages I have ever written. I know, yes- I say that, then it goes on forever, but this time it won’t be like that. If you prefer to watch a video, sorry- no video today. OK, so here it is: Shaul lost his
Is the Bible the word of God? Yes, it is, but mostly not from God, directly: it is a human endeavor to interpret the proper meaning of the Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, and Latin words that the Bible was originally written in over the millennia. If you prefer to watch a
We all know there are 12 tribes of Israel, and that 2-1/2 tribes settled east of the Jordan, while the remaining 9-1/2 tribes settled in what was then Canaan. Later, under Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, the kingdom was split into two: Judah and Benjamin in the South (Judea) and
Collateral damage is what happens to the innocent bystanders when there is a conflict, and when God does things, such as the plagues of Egypt, the destruction of Shomron and Jerusalem (more than once), there were many righteous and innocent people who were killed. If you prefer to watch a
Most of the times I talk with Christians, they identify Yeshua (Jesus) as the one who is the Alpha and the Omega. This is based on Revelation 22:13, when Yeshua tells John, in his vision of the new earth and the new Jerusalem, that he is the Alpha and the