Right off the bat, let’s get one thing absolutely clear: I am all for learning as much from the Bible as one can.
However, what I am concerned with is when people spend so much effort on things that are not really that important, and end up obsessing over something that (I fear) will move their attention away from what is important.
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So, what am I talking about? Lets’ start with the name we use for the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as well as the name we use for his Messiah. The “Holy Namers”, as they are called, spend so much time arguing over pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton, which no one can absolutely know how to pronounce it because we don’t know which vowels are used. And when this argument gets heated, godly people act in a worldly way, insulting and debasing each other over what? name? a pronunciation?
Hey, correct me if I am wrong, but we are saved by faith, not pronunciation!
And those really lost people who say praying to Jesus is praying to a horse, or that because Ba’al means “lord” we pray to him when we pray to the Lord. It only shows that they don’t know the difference between a definition and a homonym. Yes, Ba’al means “lord”, but so does Adonai and so does the actual word, “lord”- but when I am praying to Adonai, I am NOT praying to Ba’al!
How stupid does someone have to be to equate those two names!
And what about the fact that God knows our hearts and minds? Do you really think that he doesn’t know who you mean when you are using “Lord” or “Adonai” or “God”?
And don’t even get me started on Eschatology! First of all, Yeshua said that no one is to know when, and that even he doesn’t have Need to Know. Yet so many times I see people trying to guess when it will happen, and arguing over Pre- or Mid- or Post-tribulation! Hey, get real, people! What does it matter? Will knowing when it happens save you from anything? Is God going to say to his angels, “Hey, look- those people who know when they will be taken up get first choice of seating.” ?
I don’t think so!
Another thing that isn’t related to salvation at all is understanding the visions that are referenced in the Bible. Now, some are important to know-for example, in Acts 10 we need to realize that the vision had nothing at all to do with the laws of Kashrut (Kosher), but rather was to let Kefa (Peter) understand that salvation was for the Gentiles, as well.
But what about the measurements of the sanctuary given to Moses in Exodus? There is nothing wrong with knowing how it looked, but I have seen postings arguing that it was a round building, like a Yurt, and not a rectangular tent.
So what? First off, the description mentions corners, which I have never seen on a circle. But more important, what does this have to do with faith? Or understanding God’s instructions for righteous living? Will I be more “saved” if I know the Tent of Meeting was actually the Yurt of Meeting?
Okay, I have a few more examples, but I will leave it at this: You need to know the Bible very well so you will be able to recognize false teachings and not be led astray. My concern is when people want to know every little bit of minutia, which can only lead you away from keeping with the basics, which are:
1. There is only one God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and his Messiah is Yeshua. Whether we use God, Lord, HaShem, Adonai, Yehovah, Yehusha, or any other pronunciation for him, when we pray, no matter which name or title we use, he knows who we mean. And the same goes for Yeshua!
2. We are saved by faith: faithfully believing that God exists and is trustworthy to save (as well as punish), that Yeshua is the Messiah he promised to send and that Yeshua’s sacrifice is the only means by which we can be forgiven of our sins, which is the only way we can be allowed into God’s presence for eternity.
3. God gave everyone the instructions for how to worship him and how to treat each other, and (like it or not) they are in the Torah. What any religion says that goes against the Torah is a false teaching, and represents a rejection of God. And if you reject God, you reject his son, the Messiah, and that means you cannot be truly “saved”. So, for example, it’s okay to celebrate man-made holidays, but not at the exclusion of the Holy Days God commanded us to celebrate in Leviticus 23.
Look, I believe we all should learn as much as we can from the Bible, read and study it daily, but don’t get so involved in non-salvation issues that you can’t see the forest for the trees. My “Acid Test” question when any topic is discussed is this: “How does this affect my salvation?” If the answer is, “It doesn’t”, then it is just a nice-to-know thing, and not worth putting any real effort into learning.
Remember that Moses said what we need to know is simple, so keep to the KISS Rule- Keep It Simple, Schlemiel!
Thank you for being here and please remember to share these messages with everyone you know, even non-believers. Hey! After all, you never know how fertile the soil is until you plant a seed in it.
That’s it for this week, so l’hitraot and (an early) Shabbat Shalom!