Which Commandments Did Yeshua Say Count the Most?

I think we all know which commandments Yeshua said are the most important, right? Isn’t it from Matthew 22:37-40?

Well, if that is so, then why does he give a totally different set of commandments in three separate gospels when asked what does someone have to do to be saved?

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Let’s start in Matthew 22, when Yeshua is asked which is the most important commandment of all? He replies (CJB):

‘You are to love Adonai your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.’ This is the greatest and most important mitzvah.  And a second is similar to it, ‘You are to love your neighbor as yourself.’ All of the Torah and the Prophets are dependent on these two mitzvot.”

So here Yeshua is telling us that to love God and each other is paramount. Now, traditional Christian teaching tells us that this is all we need to do. Love God and love each other, the message of Christ is to love- and that’s it! Nothing else is required. Love God, love each other, and you’re in!

They interpret this verse to mean these are the only two commandments we need to do.

But that’s not right, is it? Yeshua never said these are the only commandments, just that they are the most important ones. And, when he added that all the others pivot on these two, that means he expects that we will follow all the other commandments BECAUSE we love God and each other.

But if these are the most important, then why did he tell the rich man who asked what he needed to do to enter God’s kingdom (Matthew 19:18, Mark 10:17, and Luke 18:19) something different?

In all three Gospels, Yeshua’s answer to the man includes these commandments:

Don’t commit adultery, don’t murder, don’t steal, don’t give false witness, honor your mother and father, (this additional one was only in Matthew) and love your neighbor as yourself.

So, nu? If Yeshua said that to love God and each other are the most important commandments, which all the others will pivot on, why tell the rich man something different? In fact, these commandments are straight from the Big Ten, whereas the ones Yeshua said were most important were from the Torah, but not listed in the Big Ten.

Hmmm…now we have to ask ourselves “What do we do?” Which are the commandments we are to really need to strive to obey?

It seems that we should love God, then love each other, then come the Big Ten. That makes sense, doesn’t it?

But wait a minute! Didn’t James say if we break one commandment, we break them all (James 2:10)? So, even loving God, loving each other, and obeying the ones Yeshua quoted from the Big Ten isn’t enough?

Shaul (Paul) tells the Romans that no one can be saved by the law (Romans 3:23), which he knew from his vast knowledge of the Tanakh, for there are numerous places where we are told, over and over by different people that everyone sins, and no one is without sin.

I mean, there are some 613 commandments in the Torah! We can’t do the ones involving the temple service, which is about 1/3 of them, and some are just for women and some just for men, some just for the Cohen Hagadol (High Priest), which leaves less than a hundred or so for us simple folk.

Oy! That’s still a lot to do, so once again we ask, “What do we do?”

There is no longer a temple in Jerusalem where we can be forgiven under the sacrificial system, which (according to the Torah) was the only place we could bring our sacrifice to receive forgiveness (thank God for sending Yeshua, who replaced that requirement, making forgiveness available to everyone, everywhere, at any time.)

The answer, I suppose, is that we do the best we can to obey all the commandments that God gave in the Torah that apply to us. You see, the Torah is the only place in the entire Bible (this includes the New Covenant) where God tells us what he wants us to do. We can be secure in the knowledge that if we accept Yeshua as the Messiah God promised to send, repent of the sins we commit and ask forgiveness by means of Yeshua’s blood, which was shed for us, then we can be forgiven of that sin.

Yeshua only repeats what God said, and Shaul only wrote to Gentiles what they needed to do initially, expecting (as did the Elders who wrote the letter in Acts 15) that the Gentiles would learn the rest of what God wants them to do as they grew more knowledgeable in the Word and more spiritually mature.

Christianity has taught the opposite of what Yeshua and Shaul taught; Yeshua and Shaul taught the people to obey God, but Christianity has taught the people to ignore what God said and, instead, follow the tenets, rituals, and holidays that men have created.

It is up to you to decide what you will do: you can either worship God by obeying his commandments as best as you can, knowing he will forgive you (through Yeshua) when you screw up, or worship a Christian rebranding of the true Messiah, kneeling before graven images, praying to people instead of God, and ignoring nearly everything God told about how he wanted you to live, choosing to obey man-made tenets, celebrate man-made holidays, and perform man-made rituals.

Your choice, but if you ask me, I will have to say it is probably safer to do as God says then to do as people say.

Thank you for being here and please share these messages with everyone you know to help this ministry continue to grow. Subscribe to my website (while you’re there please buy my books), also to my YouTube channel, and join my Facebook group called “Just God’s Word” (but make sure you agree to the rules to be let in).

Ans please give me some feedback- positive or negative- to let me know someone is actually reading this stuff.

Thats it for today, so l’hitraot and Baruch HaShem!

The Difference Between Blood Descendant and Adopted Child

Let me place my Disclaimer out there right now- this message is mostly just my opinion. You can disagree, or agree, and in either case, if you have biblical justification for your opinion, please let me know.

If you prefer to watch me opine in a video, click on this link: Watch the video.

OK, Shaul tells the Galatians (Galatians 3:29) that if they are in Messiah, then they are also heirs of Abraham. This is his conclusion from his previous explanation about how there is no longer slave or free, Gentile or Jew, but only one type of person when we accept Yeshua as our Messiah because from that point forward, we are all one in the body of the Messiah.

But there is a difference between an adopted child and a blood relative. It doesn’t matter on a spiritual level, but it does on a physical one.

I am not an adopted son of Abraham because I am Jewish, through and through, both sides, DNA proven. In fact, I even have the Levitical allele, so I know I am a Levite.

(If you’re not familiar with this, years ago they studied the DNA of Jews whose last name was any form of Levi or Cohen, and matched that to other Jewish DNA samples, and found there is a definitive difference between the DNA of Jewish males who have a Levitical sounding last name and those who do not.)

The issue I have is with the traditional Christian teaching, which has been promulgated throughout the centuries, that adopted children of Abraham are entitled to all the promises God made to him but are not subject to the Torah because they are “in Christ” and, as such, not under the law but under Grace.

Oh, how I hate that saying- “not under the law but under Grace”- because it has led so many thousands upon thousands of people away from the narrow gate by making them think they can do whatever they always did and be saved.

Don’t you know? Grace is not exception from obeying the law, but the opportunity to be forgiven when we disobey the law!

Does an adopted child in a family get to ignore the rules that the natural born children are subject to following?

I don’t think so!

So, what makes Christians who claim to be children of Abraham think they can ignore the Torah, which was given by God to the children of Abraham to learn and live and teach to the world as God’s chosen nation of priests? (Exodus 19:6) And what do priests do? They teach you how to worship! That’s why God gave the children of Abraham the Torah- not just for them, but for them to learn, live, and bring to the world so that everyone can be saved.

The only real difference between an adopted child of Abraham and one that is natural born is a physical one, dealing with circumcision (as Shaul explained to the Galatians and also mentioned, as I recall, to the Romans), and circumcision is not needed in order to be saved. If an adopted child wants to undergo that, fine- so long as it is not done to be “correct”, i.e., to earn the right to say they are under the covenant. That is the wrong reason, as Shaul explained to the Galatians.

Think about it…do you really have to be circumcised to be under the same covenant God made with Abraham?

My opinion is that the Abrahamic Covenant is not as important to a person’s relationship with God as the Mosaic Covenant is. Why not? Well, because Abraham was only required to do B’rit Milah, whereas Moses was given God’s instructions for the way to live our lives: how to worship him and how to treat each other.

If you ask me, any male Gentile who is not circumcised, but wants to live as Yeshua (Jesus) really did live, to do as he really did do, will not have to buy a large package of Birds Eye Frozen Peas (a real lifesaver after having procedures done down there) but just obey the Torah as best as he can.

Do you know what they call a Jewish baby who isn’t circumcised? A girl!

Do all females who accept Yeshua as their messiah have to undergo the female type of circumcision (the kind that is done to certain Muslim women) in order to be an adopted child of Abraham?

Of course not! But they are just as “saved” as the men are.

As Shaul pointed out, Abraham was NOT circumcised when God called him out of the pagan lifestyle he had been living. God accepted Abraham as a righteous person based on his faith and, for the record, his obedience, as well. Read Genesis 26:4-5, which is where God renewed the promise he made to Abraham with Isaac and stated that Abraham obeyed all that God told him to do.

Abraham was considered righteous not just because he was faithful, but because he proved his faith through obedience, which many centuries later was confirmed by the brother of the Messiah (James 2:17).

So, there you have it- male blood descendants of Abraham have the obligation to undergo B’rit Milah when they are 8 days old (good thing it’s at 8 days, because if they asked me when I was 35, I would seriously have to think about it!), but Gentile males who accept Yeshua as their Messiah and want to be adopted children of Abraham do not have to be circumcised in their flesh, only in their heart.

And, for the record, being circumcised in your flesh, alone, doesn’t save you.

There is a difference between blood descendants of Abraham and adopted children, but that isn’t what is going to make a difference in your salvation. The Abrahamic Covenant doesn’t provide you what you need to be saved, but the Mosaic Covenant does.

Thank you for being here and please subscribe to this ministry on my website and my YouTube channel. Buy my books, share these messages with everyone you know, and join my Facebook group called “Just God’s Word” (but you must agree to the rules to join).

And remember… I always welcome your comments.

That’s it for this week, so l’hitraot and (an early) Shabbat Shalom!

Is Your Spiritual Modem Using Dial-Up or Fiber?

For those who aren’t tech-savvy, dial-up service, which you might know better as DSL, was how we used to connect to the Internet, and always had that tweetle-like noise as it was connecting.

It was as slow as molasses flowing uphill against the wind in November… in Maine!

Now, fiber optic is the speediest form of connection we have today, and about ten times faster than the old DSL connection.

So, nu? What the heck does this nerdy stuff have to do with God?

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Being a nerd, myself, I was wondering about this: since our connection with God is (for most of us) through prayer, is the prayer relationship we have with God one that is sluggish as DSL or speedy as fiber?

For example, when praying, do you go through a series of Shakespearean statements like this example:

Oh Lord, thou art the great one. I prayeth to thee now, seeking thy goodness, to be gracious to me and giveth thy servant all that thy servant requesteth of thee.

Or do you do as I do, which is simply to say something along the lines of:

Lord, thank you for the blessings you give and please hear my request.

Can you see what I mean? Dial-up or fiber?

Now, I am not condemning anyone who wants to pray as they used to pray in the Bible, but do you really think that you get any extra points for that? In truth, didn’t Yeshua tell us to pray in a simple, precise manner?

In Matthew 6, isn’t the template he gave us for how to pray rather simple? When we read in 1 Kings 8:22-53, when Solomon prayed to God at the dedication of the Temple, now that was a prayer! But geeze! It went on and on, and it had to because, well, what else were the people there going to do?

It’s not like they had a plane to catch, or that they had to get back home in time to watch the game on TV.

And that prayer is beautiful, but let’s face it- Solomon was the wisest king of all time praying at the dedication of the most glamorous temple ever built to the one true God. I mean, okay, let’s not cut that one short.

But when you and I pray to God in the privacy of our home, or car, or wherever, and especially when praying publicly in your house of worship… well, c’mon. Let’s get real- that’s not the same.

I believe (and you can disagree with me- that’s OK) that God isn’t listening for fancy speech or ornate prayer, but rather for a humble and heartfelt need that we bring before him for help. I really believe that all God wants is a simple request, a request for just what we need, humbly coming before him and acknowledging that we are unfit, and come before him in the righteousness of Yeshua, our Messiah, whose sacrifice made it possible for us to approach the Holy One of Israel.

So, my point today is that when we pray, in my (probably) less-humble-than-it-should-be opinion, we should all maintain the KISS rule (Keep It Simple, Schlemiel) because God already knows what we want, and he knows better than any of us what we really need, and I really don’t think he is impressed by spectacular verbiage or King James style pronunciations.

God wants humble, honest, and worshipful prayer; ya know what? -when it comes down to it, you don’t even need to speak. Just let your heart talk for you.

Thank you for being here and please share these messages with everyone you know to help this ministry continue to grow. Subscribe on my website and YouTube channel, buy my inexpensive books (if you like these messages, you will like my books), and join my Facebook group called “Just God’s Word” (you must agree to the rules to be let in).

And remember that I always welcome your comments.

That’s it for today, so l’hitraot and Baruch HaShem!

False Praise

Is there such a thing as false praise?

I think there is: it’s when someone says something so very, very “praiseful” (is that really a word?), but their intention is not to praise but to receive praise.

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For example, let’s go to Luke 11:27, where after teaching about how a house divided against itself cannot stand, and that evil spirits may repossess a person even after being cleansed, this happened:

As Yeshua was saying these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice to call out, “How blessed is the mother that gave birth to you and nursed you from her breast!” But he said, “Far more blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it!”

Did you notice how Yeshua pretty much ignored the praise?

And this isn’t the only time he did something like that.

In Luke 14:15, Yeshua is at a dinner and teaching that those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted, when someone at the table says:

How blessed are those who eat bread in the kingdom of God!

Yeshua again ignores this comment and goes directly into a drash (parable) about the man who had invited people to a banquet, but when they all came up with an excuse, he invited beggars and the lame so that his house would be full, and none of the ones he did invite would be allowed in.

I may be a little off-center with this, but I feel that the way Yeshua reacted to these praises, which was to let them go by without acknowledging them, was because he recognized the praise was meant not to glorify him or God, but intended so that the one giving it would be acknowledged.

I believe Yeshua recognized this as false praise because the one praising wanted to be the one receiving praise.

Again, I confess this may be a pet-peeve of my own, but I have often heard people say things that I feel- in my spirit- is not genuine praise for God or Yeshua but said in order for the one praising to receive the praise of others.

“Oh, that is such a wonderful thing to say! That person must be so spiritually aware.”

“Oh, my! What wonderful praise to be given.”

“I wish I had said that- they’re so spiritually mature and wise.”

Haven’t you seen this in your house of worship? Aren’t there those who give praise like they were handing out candy on Halloween?

Now, don’t get me wrong! I praise God all the time and believe there is nothing better to do than praise God. But I don’t think it should be done in the way Yeshua accused the Pharisees of doing it- having longer tzitzit, making a public spectacle of their worship, trying to appear so spiritual, but all that in order to receive praise from people.

Okay, I’m a cynical person- so, sue me! But I absolutely know for sure that there are people who do things to appear spiritual and worshipful, but underneath it all, their praise is designed to receive, not to give.

They don’t fool me, and I know they don’t fool God.

So, nu? What’s today’s take-away?

When you praise, do so the way Yeshua said in Matthew 6; privately, so that your father in heaven will reward you. He warns us that those who seek public approval or recognition will receive it, but that is all they will get. So, if you feel a genuine desire to praise God or Yeshua, do so under your breath- don’t worry, they will hear you.

If you ask me, the best praise we can give to God is simply to act the way God wants us to act.

People don’t mean what they say, they mean what they do, so let people see your praise to God all the time by the way you act.

Thank you for being here and please subscribe to this ministry on both my website and my YouTube channel. Buy my books, join my Facebook group called “Just God’s Word” (but make sure you agree to the rules to be let in), and share these messages with everyone you know.

And remember that I always welcome your comments.

That’s it for this week, so l’hitraot and (and early) Shabbat Shalom!

Do We Have to Reference Yeshua When We Pray?

In the Gospels, Yeshua (Jesus) tells us that when we pray in his name, that which we ask for we will receive. But if we have accepted Yeshua as our Messiah, wouldn’t God already know that? Why do we have to speak it?

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Maybe I am preaching disobedience or rebellion… I’m not sure.

For many years I would always end my prayers, as well as often interjecting while praying, “I ask this in Yeshua’s name”. Then, a couple of years ago, I began to think that because the word “name” in the Bible is really just a reference to a reputation and renown, there isn’t any power in Yeshua’s reputation.

However, there is plenty of power in what he did for us; the real power we can receive is not from the word “Yeshua” or “Jesus”, but from the blood he shed. That is what allows us to be cleansed of our sins; that is what enables us to come into the presence of the Lord, God, Almighty and ask for forgiveness, which is only achieved through the shedding of innocent blood (Hebrews 9:22, which references the sacrificial system God created in Leviticus 1-7).

Now when I pray, I finish my prayer by saying “I ask this by the shed blood of the Messiah, Yeshua.”

But still- I wonder why I need to reference Yeshua, at all? I wonder why God doesn’t already know that, because I have accepted Yeshua as my Messiah, whatever I ask for in prayer is always going to be based on the power of the blood he shed for me?

Is prayer now some form of spiritual Simon Says? If I say, “By the blood of Yeshua” I get what I ask, but if I don’t say that does God reply, “You didn’t say ‘Yeshua says’, so you don’t get what you asked for.”?

I don’t think so.

I think that God knows I always ask for forgiveness of sin by the shed blood of the Messiah, and yet I still say it. Maybe I am just conditioned to do that? Maybe I feel more comfortable and that I am covering my you-know-what when I add “By the blood of the Messiah” at the end of my prayer?

I don’t know.

I will continue to ask for forgiveness, of course. And to lift those I love and care about to God for healing, whether physical or spiritual. And I will continue to refer to Yeshua as his son, my Messiah, the one he promised to send and thank him for doing that, as well as for all the blessings he gives me.

I had written that when we thank God there is no need to refer to Yeshua because thanking God is not asking for anything, which I wrote a while ago when I was still using the actual name of Yeshua in my prayers. (Here is a link to that message)

In the meantime, I will continue to ask for God if he desires me to say, “By the blood of Yeshua” or “In Yeshua’s name” every time I ask for something in prayer and be open to hearing his answer.

I hope it comes soon because I can’t just get rid of this question: If he truly knows my heart and mind, won’t he know when I pray that asking as Yeshua said to is a “given”?

Thank you for being here and please share these messages with everyone you know to help this ministry continue to grow. Also, buy my books- if you like what you get here, you will like my books, as well.

Subscribe to this ministry and my YouTube channel, and don’t forget to click the bell to get notifications. You are invited to join my Facebook group called “Just God’s Word” (but please ensure you agree to the rules in order to be allowed in).

And remember that I always welcome your comments.

I’d really like to hear what you think about this one.

That’s it for today, so l’hitraot and Baruch HaShem!


It’s the morning of May 6, 2023.
I have been praying to God to help me come to a final conclusion about what to use, if anything, with regard to pryaing in Yeshua’s name. I received good comments from people and some good points were made for always using Yeshua’s name, and not even using “by the blood”(which is not what Yeshua said).
This morning in prayer God made it clear to me.
I have always stated that God knows what is in our hearts and minds, and when I was thinking about that it came to me that because he does, and because (as someone pointed out) even though he knows this, he still wants us to pray, then it doesn’t matter which words I use to refer to Yeshua- God wants us to pray to him and Yeshua wants us to pray referring to him as our Intecessor no matter how we phrase it.
I don’t have to concern myself with should I use Yeshua’s name, or say “by his blood” – it doesn’t matter so long as I refer to Yeshua in some way because, just like God knows what we need but still wants us to pray, Yeshua knows God will answer us but he wants us to recognize his role in our prayer as Intercessor, so we should acknowledge him, as wel, when asking for something from Godl.
Whew! That’s a load off my minnd. 🙂
Thank you, Lord, for answering prayer!

A Study on Kohelet (Ecclesiastes)

The Book of Kohelet has often been misunderstood, and I suppose that’s because it starts off telling us that everything is pointless, and that all our efforts are no more useful than chasing the wind.

Okay, I get it- someone isn’t happy with how things they have done has turned out.

So, who wrote this treatise on disappointment?

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Most agree that it was King Solomon, although in recent years some have stated it may have been written by someone else pretending to be a king of Jerusalem. Personally, I don’t buy that.

In the first chapter the writer tells us that he has been a king over Israel in Jerusalem. Not only that, but this book is filled with wisdom and proverbs, very much like those Solomon wrote.

For example:

1:18- there is much wisdom in grief.
2:14- wise men have eyes that see, but fools walk in darkness.
4:5- better an armful of tranquility than both arms full of effort that yields nothing
5:1 nightmares come from worrying too much, and a fool chatters too much
5:9- the lover of money never has enough money

There are other wisdom sayings throughout the book that indicate the writer is a man possessed with great wisdom. Not to mention that he tells us in 1:16 that he has acquired more wisdom than anyone else ruling in Jerusalem- that is exactly what we are told in the Bible about Solomon (1 Kings 4:30).

Now, what about this statement that everything is pointless, that nothing matters, and what does a person gain after all their efforts? These sound like the ramblings of a depressed, cynical man, but when we realize the reason he is saying this, it makes sense.

In Kohelet 1:12, he tells us that he applied himself to seek out and investigate everything that is done under heaven. I believe what Kohelet was saying was that he wanted to understand the “why” of everything- he wanted to have the same level of understanding that God does. Well, no wonder he was disappointed and found everything pointless! No one can understand anything at the same level of God.

However, he did come to an understanding of what might be the most important lesson of all- that whatever we do we should do with joy and appreciation because this is what God has given us.

Kohelet tried to understand everything by starting out with the pleasures of the body. He went on to build palaces, gardens, pools, have slaves, amass wealth, have singers and musicians, and many other material things. Yet, in the end, he realized that it was all worthless, just chasing the wind.

Why? Because when he dies, everything he worked his whole life to attain will go to someone else who will just waste it.

Throughout this book, we are given a number of examples of what is pointless:

  • attaining wisdom is useless because no matter how wise or how stupid a man becomes, in the end, we all die and are treated the same.
  • the pursuit of material things is pointless because the rich never have enough and the money they accumulate will go to someone else when they die.
  • no matter how good a king is, it’s pointless because when the king is dead the ones coming after him will not regard him highly.
  • having goods and wealth will not please a person, who will always want more, and when they die someone else gets to enjoy them.
  • the righteous person can perish in his uprightness while the evil person lives a long and happy life.

Despite the overriding depressive feel of this book, Kohelet does come up with a number of revelations that are messages of hope and the lessons we need to learn in order to have a contended life:

Revelation #1: Kohelet tells us all that is left to us to do in this life is to eat, drink, and enjoy whatever fruits of labor that we have attained, because this is what God has given to us (2:24; 5:17; 8:15; 9:7).

Revelation #2: Everything that happens has its own time (3:1-11), nothing is new under the sun (1:9), and this is the way God has designed the world.

You may remember the song by the Byrds called “Turn, turn, turn” (1965) which was from this passage; it was originally written by Pete Seegar in 1959

Revelation #3: People who love things of the world will never be satisfied.

Revelation #4: Everything happens to everyone: rich or poor, wise or stupid, righteous or evil. In the end we all die, although those who live a righteous life will be in better shape when facing God.

The final and ultimate lesson that Kohelet has learned, which he tells us at the very end of the book, is this:

We should worship God and obey his laws, for that is what being human is all about;
in the end, God will bring to judgement all that we do.

This is unquestionably the wisest thing anyone can do.

Kohelet, with all his wisdom, riches, and achievements, concludes the only thing we really need to do is enjoy the fruits of our labors, the simple things in life, such as eating and drinking, and be thankful to God for giving that to us. I believe this was confirmed by Yeshua who, when telling us how to pray, said we should ask for our daily bread- nothing more, nothing less, and that we shouldn’t worry about tomorrow.

So, the next time someone tells you that they just don’t get the Book of Kohelet, asking why is such a “downer” even in the Bible, you can tell them that the real message of Kohelet is one of contentment. It teaches us we will never understand why things happen the way they do, that all things happen for a reason and that God has determined the correct time for all things that occur under the sun, and that to be at peace and enjoy life all we need to do is worship God, obey his commandments, and appreciate what God has given us because that is what being human is all about.

Satan Rules the Earth

Whoa!! Stop the music! How can Satan rule the earth when we all know that God rules the universe?

Because the Bible says he does.

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Haven’t you ever heard of Chain of Command?

When I was a First Lieutenant in the Marine Corps, at one time I was the Executive Officer of the Headquarters and Supply Company, 2nd Marine Combat Engineer Battalion. I was able to “rule” over 365 Marines, including even a Captain who was, technically, my superior in rank but still under my command because he was the Platoon Commander of one of the platoons in the company, and I ruled over the entire company.

Yet, the Company Commander ruled over me, and he was ruled by the Battalion Commander, who was ruled by the Division Commander, and so on, all the way up to the President of the United States.

Satan might rule the earth, but God rules the universe, which means he rules Satan. It’s simply a matter of chain of command.

So, nu? Where does it say that Satan rules the earth?

In Luke 4:5, when Yeshua was in the desert and Satan was tempting him, he showed Yeshua all the kingdoms of the earth, and told Yeshua that he (Satan) had been given them all and they were his to give to whomever he wanted to. That certainly sounds like he rules them, doesn’t it?

Later, in Luke 10:18, Yeshua confirms this when he told his disciples that he saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven (to the earth).

Shaul (Paul) confirms Satan’s rule of the earth in his letter to the Ephesians (Ephesians 2:2), when he told them they used to conform to the ways of the world and to the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit that causes disobedience in men. Clearly, that spirit is Satan.

The Tanakh also states that Satan is in the world: in the Book of Job, God asks Satan where he has been and he answers that he has been wandering here and there, throughout the world (Job 6:7). We are shown that Satan has authority in the world to come and go as he pleases. Even though God did control what Satan could do to Job, Satan had the power to do whatever he wanted to do, including to cause the death of people.

This is interesting: when he killed Job’s children (Job 1:18-19), he did so by sending a strong wind to destroy the house they were eating in; hmmm… maybe this is why Shaul calls him the ruler of the power of the air?

There you have it! Satan rules the earth, and that is why even though we are in the world we are not to be part of it, i.e., not to be ruled by the one that rules the world.

We are to be ruled by the one that rules the universe, who sent Yeshua the Messiah.

So, what’s today’s take-away? Don’t be concerned or afraid of the world or the one who rules it, because despite all the power he has, the one who is in us is greater than he who is in the world.

Thank you for being here and please share these messages with everyone! Subscribe to both this ministry on my website and my YouTube channel, click on the bell to be notified when I post, and join my Facebook group called “Just God’s Word” (but make sure you agree to the rules, or you can’t come in).

That’s it for this week, so l’hitraot and (an early) Shabbat Shalom!

Just What Does Matthew 18:18 Mean?

The “Church” has used this verse to authorize priests to forgive sins. They also reference John 20:23, when Yeshua breathed the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) on the disciples and (allegedly) authorized them to forgive sins.

If you prefer to watch a video, lick on this link: Watch the video.

However, this is not the same as Matthew 18:18, in which Yeshua told his talmidim (students/disciples) that whatever they bind/prohibit on earth will be bound/prohibited in heaven, and whatever they loose/permit on earth will be loosed/permitted in heaven.

So, is this the same as forgiving sins? I don’t think so.

(I am using “The Jewish New Testament Commentary” by Daniel H. Stern to help explain my position.)

I don’t believe this has to do with forgiveness of sins because of the Jewish understanding of those terms, which is the only way that Yeshua would have meant them.

The traditional usage of “bind” and “loose” in Judaism (asar ve-hittir), as the Pharisees and Scribes would have used them, is relating to legal judgements and Halacha (The Way to Walk).

Halacha is defined as the collective body of Jewish religious laws that are derived from the written and Oral Torah. For example, having two sets of dishes, how far one can walk on the Shabbat, plus an additional plethora of rules for how we go through our daily activities.

We need to realize that Yeshua was talking specifically to his talmidim, those disciples closest to him. This chapter begins with his talmidim asking Yeshua to explain some of what he had been teaching, and in doing so he tells them that when two or more of them are together, he will be there with them. This means that he is granting them the authority to act in legal and daily activity judgements, just as the Sanhedrin would in creating both judicial and social regulations.

The Christian view of this is that “two or more” is the same as a minyan, which is a group of 10 or more men (as required by Halacha) to form a congregation. This passage, however, is not about prayer but about regulating Messianic communal life. When he said he will be there with them, he meant that the regulations they create on earth will have the backing of heaven.

In the Talmud, the following extract explains this:

“How do you know that if ten people pray together the Sh’khinah (“manifested divine presence”) is there with them? Because it is said ‘God stands in the congregation of God’ (Psalm 82:1a) [and a congregation must have a minyan of at least ten]. And how do you know that if three are sitting as a court of judges the Sh’khinah is there with them? Because it is said ‘In the midst of judges he renders judgement’ (Psalm 82:1b) [taking elohim to mean judges]; (B’rakhot 6a)

This is the way Yeshua would have known what was meant by the terms “loose” and “bind”.

In Daniel 7:22, he said, “The Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High.” And here we have Yeshua telling his talmidim that “Ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel” (Matthew 19:28).

Clearly, Yeshua was telling his talmidim that they will be the ones to replace the Sanhedrin in the Acharit haYamim (End Days) and that whatever social and judgmental regulations they create will be supported by both Yeshua and God.

So, as far as Peter being the first Pope and men having the authority to forgive sins, well… not supported by the Bible, not even what John wrote- the only one who has authority to forgive sins is God, and God alone.

Yeshua doesn’t forgive sins: he is the means by which our sins can be forgiven.

It is so important to understand the traditional Jewish cultural usage and meaning of whatever you read in the Bible, especially in the New Covenant; otherwise, you will never be able to truly understand what Yeshua taught.

Thank you for being here and please subscribe to both my website ministry and my YouTube channel. Buy my books (if you like what you get here, you will like my books, as well), share these messages all over the place, and join my Facebook group called “Just God’s Word” (but please make sure you agree to the rules, or I can’t let you in).

That’s it for today, so l’hitraot and Baruch HaShem!

Was Kashrut Different in Noah’s Days?

The laws concerning Kashrut are what we call the Kosher laws. We know that God defined what is kosher and what is not (for the most part) in Leviticus 11, but there is something about what he told Noah that doesn’t jive with what he told Moses.

If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video.

In B’resheet 6:19 (Genesis), we read that God tells Noah to take two of every kind of animal into the ark, one male and one female. There are no exceptions to what Noah is to take.

Then, in Chapter 7, Noah is commanded to take seven pairs of clean animals and only one pair of unclean; but he is to take seven pairs of all birds.

Now wait a minute!

In Leviticus 11, we are told that there are many birds that are not clean, such as the eagle, vulture, osprey, owls, hawks, some waterfowl, and bats (yeah, I know these aren’t really birds, but God wasn’t giving a class on taxonomic classification).

So why the difference? God tells Noah to take seven pairs of clean animals, and the same seven pairs of birds of the air, yet later he tells Moses that there are many birds of the air that are not clean.

So …which is it?

I wish I had an answer.

That being said, I wonder if the reason God had Noah take all seven pairs of the birds of the air is because he knew that so many of the baby birds do not survive (that’s the way he designed them) and so he wanted to make sure there were enough of the unclean ones to survive because they are so important to the world.

For instance, many of the unclean birds serve a valuable service in cleaning up the dead and diseased animals in the wild. The vultures eat carrion, and many of the raptors are scavengers, helping to recycle the dead and renourish the land. Despite the millions upon millions of birds, there are still so many more billions of insects and other species of animals that God knew he had to have enough birds to do what he designed them to do.

“But Steve- God made a nation of millions from one man, why not do the same with the birds? He can do anything!”

We have been told that God can do anything, but he really can’t- he can’t sin, he can’t lie, he can’t break his own rules, and he can’t act in anger. Now, don’t get me wrong here- he certainly does get angry, and that does result in him punishing the guilty, but he always punishes in a fair and just way, tempering his angry response with mercy. He does not lash out in anger as we humans do to each other.

Of course, he could have made as many birds as possible of whichever species he wanted to after the flood, but this is where I think he ran into the rules he made when he created them.

You may not know this, but the unclean birds that do most of the “cleaning up” duties do not have a large clutch of eggs, and often the youngest hatchling doesn’t survive. The number of newborns surviving in raptors and scavengers is relatively low compared to, say, chickens and waterfowl. So, since God can’t break his own rules, I think – maybe – he had Noah take seven pairs of all the birds in the air, clean and unclean, to ensure that there would be enough in the world to do what they are needed for.

You know, when reviewing this message, I feel like I am “stretching” things here and am not sure if this is really a good message or not, but it’s something I was thinking about and wonder if it makes sense to anyone else.

Do you have any idea why God would tell Noah to take seven pairs of all the birds of the air, even after saying to take seven pairs of just clean animals, yet there are so many birds that are unclean according to what God later told Moses?

I would be interested in hearing what your thoughts are on this.

Please make sure if you haven’t subscribed to this ministry to do so on my website and YouTube channel. Also, buy my books and join my Facebook group called “Just God’s Word” (but make sure you agree to the rules, or you can’t come in).

I always welcome your comments and look forward to (hopefully) some interesting discussion on this topic.

That’s it for now, so l’hitraot and Baruch HaShem!

Do You Pray Correctly?

Did you know that I wrote an entire book on Prayer?

(here’s a link to it: Prayer)

And yet, I still wonder if I am doing it in a way that honors God, is respectful to him, and appreciative that he listens. I think I pray correctly, but just in case, I always pray that God will help me to do so in a way that pleases him.

I developed a bad habit of praying every morning in my car when I would drive to work. Now, praying in the car each morning is not the bad thing: what was bad is that when I retired, and no longer began every day driving to work, I neglected to perform that daily prayer session. I still find the moment I get in my car, no matter where I am going, I pray, but at home when I am not going anywhere, well…like I said, it became a bad habit.

I believe the best way to pray is, of course, directly from the heart. I never, even way before I knew the Lord or accepted Yeshua as my Messiah, felt that praying to God using someone else’s words was right.

The prayer Yeshua gives us (Mattthew 6:5-15) is not just a prayer, but more of a template for all prayer, although it is a pretty good prayer, on its own. And, as a template, I use it to make sure my prayers are always in the same manner.

I start by acknowledging who God is, thanking him for all he has already done for me, and then asking for forgiveness of whatever sins I have committed against him (by the blood of the Messiah), as well as lifting up my wife and my children and their mother (from a previous life of mine). Even though they have made me their enemy, they are not mine, so I pray for them.

It also makes forgiving them easier, for they definitely sinned against me for many years, but that’s another story.

I ask not for anything other than to advance God’s word correctly, to always honor him in all I do and say (wow- do I ever fail at that!), and to be a better example to people of what it means to know and trust in God.

That’s it- if you do that, I am pretty sure you are praying correctly. Remember that Yeshua told of the tax collector and the Pharisee, the Pharisee praying thanks that he wasn’t like the sinners and the tax collector beating his chest, begging for forgiveness that he is such a sinner. Yeshua told us that the prayers of the sinner were more pleasing to God than those of the Pharisee.

When you pray, always do so humbly, ask only for that which you need, and trust God to answer your prayers with what he knows is best for you (which is usually not what we ask for, but definitely what we need).

And be patient, look for the answer (it isn’t always obvious), and remember our timing stinks, but God’s timing is perfect.

Thank you for being here and please subscribe to this website and my YouTube channel, as well. Buy my books and share them with others. And join my Facebook group called “Just God’s Word” (but make sure you click that you agree to the rules, or I can’t let you in).

And remember I love to hear back from you regarding what you think about these messages- please do so to help me stay on the right track.

That’s it for this week, so l’hitraot and (an early) Shabbat Shalom!