Many of us have memories of places we have been, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but I believe that as bad as some of these places were, pretty much everyone has one place that they feel is the worst place they have ever been. But I’m telling you that no matter
Have often have your heard people say that Jesus died for our sins? And he did, but it isn’t his death that saves us. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. The sacrificial system has 5 steps: You have to sin (no sin,
There are hundreds of versions of the Bible, over 450 in English, alone, not to mention that today it has been translated into some 756 different languages! There’s gotta be a whole lotta different interpretations of the same verse(s), what with all those different interpreters, differences that happen when one
We know that sin is a violation of the law, but if there is no law then there can be no sin, and if there is no sin, there is no need for forgiveness, so…we don’t need Yeshua anymore. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link:
Just to let you know, I am not going to post anything else until next year. The Torah is more than a book of laws and regulations, it is a historical narrative of the Jewish people (not to mention how the Universe was created). Inside the Torah there is a
One of the most divisive topics within Christianity today is the idea of the Trinity: God, Yeshua, and the Ruach haKodesh (Holy Spirit) not being three separate and unique entities, but rather they are all God, only in three different identities. But, when it comes down to it, as far
Sadly, for millennia Christians who, I believe, truly want to serve and worship God, have been told they don’t have to follow the Torah. They’ve been taught that Yeshua did away with the law, or that they only need to be faithful to be saved, or as Gentiles they only
Most people, even non-believers, have heard the story of the woman accused of adultery who was brought before Yeshua. Without saying anything, he bent down and began to write something on the ground; getting up, he said that the one who was without sin was to throw the first stone.
Today, being the 12th day of December, means that there are only 13 days left for those who accuse Christmas of being a pagan holiday to kvetch over it. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. I want to mention, first and foremost,
I was going through the Book of Leviticus, and came upon some interesting rules I had seen before, but this time I paid closer attention, and this is what I found out: you are not always guilty when you sin. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this
We hear a lot about legalism, but does anyone really know what it means? The typical answer is that it means obeying the Torah, also called “The Law”, but if we do not follow the law, then we are- by definition- lawless, and didn’t Shaul tell the Thessalonians that God
Yeah, I know you were expecting some Thanksgiving Day message, but there are so many of them out there, I didn’t want to get lost in the crowd. So let’s talk about God’s (alleged) name …or maybe we shouldn’t mention it, at all? If you prefer to watch a video,
What is one of the first things Christians are taught? Isn’t it that they are to follow in the footsteps of Jesus? Doesn’t that bracelet with the “WWJD” on it mean that the wearer wants to live their life the way Jesus did? Then why is it that Christianity (and
In his letter to the Romans, Shaul (Paul) says that the Torah identified what sin is (Romans 7), earlier saying that Grace can always overcome sin (Romans 6). He then goes on to ask if Grace can overcome sin, does that mean we can go on sinning? If you prefer
When we read the Gospels, we see that Yeshua mentioned 2 of the 10 Commandments during his sermon on the Mount, but throughout the Gospels he didn’t really talk a lot about the Torah. Have you ever wondered why the Son of God didn’t teach people about the Torah, yet
The festival of Sukkot is a joyous Holy Day, which is different from a holiday. You see, a holiday is a man-made celebration, whereas a Holy Day is one of the celebrations that God commanded us to observe, all of which are found in Leviticus 23. But did you know
I am doing this message a little early because Hurricane Milton is coming through later tonight and tomorrow, and I might not have any electric power with which to post this. I have often heard the Christian teaching that the Torah was done away with by Yeshua’s sacrifice, which I
The traditional Torah reading for this Holy Day is called the Akedah, the Binding of Isaac, and it is in Genesis 23. This passage is also well-known as being messianic, indicating the way the Messiah will show obedience to his father and that he will be a sacrifice. If you
How often have you heard people say that the God of the Old Covenant is one of cruelty and punishment, but the God of the New Covenant is all about love and forgiveness? Throughout my lifetime, both before and after I accepted Yeshua to be the Messiah, I have had
In Matthew 7:15, Yeshua (Jesus) says, “Beware of the false prophets! They come to you wearing sheep’s clothing, but underneath they are hungry wolves!” This warning is stated throughout the Bible, often by Shaul (Paul), mainly as a warning against false teachings. Yet, because so much of Christianity is based