Today I want to talk about how Legalism is being resurrected within the current body of Gentile Believers. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. For the purpose of this discussion, let us define legalism as the proposition that for a Gentile to
You might think this a silly question, what with the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Holocaust, the Palestinians, the KKK, and any number of United Nations countries which have been vilifying Israel while vindicating those who are really the trouble-makers in the Mideast. I mean, c’mon! Really? It’s so obvious that
During the Sermon on the Mount, as recalled in the Gospel of Matthew, (5:19) Yeshua says this (CJB): So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot and teaches others to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But whoever obeys them and so teaches will
Isn’t what? Well, isn’t a Gospel, meaning a truthful description of who Yeshua was and of his ministry. I also don’t believe it was written by a Jew, or, at least, by a Jew who was writing to Jews. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link:
Thank you for having allowed me to share with you what I have learned about properly interpreting the Bible, and I hope now, as we have come to the end of this teaching series, that it has been of value to you. If you prefer to watch a video, click
In Lesson 2 we talked about Circles of Context and how that included the cultural usage, as well. Today we will look a little deeper into that, along with the need to be familiar with the language. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the
חג שמח! Chag Sameach! Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate this joyous holiday. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. The Torah parashah for this Shabbat is called Vayeshev, which relates the story of Joseph. It begins with Israel giving him the coat
In the last lesson we talked about extra-biblical tools to use when interpreting the Bible, and today we will continue on this line with two more of what I consider to be essential exegesis tools: a concordance and the Interlinear Bible set. If you prefer to watch a video, click
So far in this series, we have reviewed those tools that can be used by the reader when trying to interpret, for themselves, what is in the Bible. These tools are valuable, and we should always look for what God has for us, alone, when we read his word. If
In the last lesson you learned that to properly interpret the Bible you need to read contextually so that the word makes sense within the sentence, the sentence within the paragraph, and so on. But that isn’t enough: you also need to use hermeneutics as you interpret what you are
Have you ever thrown a pebble into a quiet pool of water? The waves emanate from where the pebble entered the water, outwards in concentric circles until the wave dissipates into the pond. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. When we read
That’s right. How can anyone really know what is in the Bible if they have never read it? (I am having issues with my webcam so there won’t be a video today) And I don’t mean to go buy one of those “Read a Bible Passage a Day” calendars. That’s
There is an undeniable relationship between Yom Kippur and Passover, and together they provide total atonement which allows us to have life everlasting. Yeshua is the Lamb of God, the Pesach Lamb. His death was the atonement for our sins, but it wasn’t just as the Passover lamb that he
In these modern times, when science fiction is almost a prophecy of reality, the Wormhole Theory is still unproven, but so popular with TV shows and movies that most people probably think they do exist. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. A
Before we discuss this specific passage, let’s review what Galatians is all about. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. It is a letter written by Shaul (Paul) to a congregation of mostly Gentile Believers in Yeshua as the Messiah, and who were,
It is truly a shame that too many Christians are being taught mainly from the New Covenant writings while ignoring most everything in the Tanakh. The reason it is a shame is that Yeshua didn’t teach anything from the Epistles, and not just because they hadn’t been written, but because
We all know that the Devil is a liar. In fact, he is the father of all lies, and when he wants to destroy your soul for all eternity, I can guarantee that he will NOT come up to you and say: “Hi, there. I’m Satan, nice to meet you.
I know you’re thinking, “What a silly question! What Christian would consider themselves better than a Jewish person?” If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. And you would be right in thinking that, but as a Jewish man who is also a Messianic
The parochet, for those who aren’t familiar with the Hebrew word, is the curtain that separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the Tent of Meeting Moses had built in the desert, in accordance with the instructions God gave him. If you prefer to watch a video, click