This coming Sunday evening, September 29, 2019, begins the Holy Day of Yom Teruah, the Day of Trumpets. This holy day, meaning a day specified by God to be a festival to him, is also a holiday (meaning a man-made celebration) called Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish New Year. The first
Like many people, I get my best ideas when I am doing something totally different than working, such as when I am in the shower or riding my bicycle. The other day, as I was riding along on my bike and praying, I started to think about which would be
Are you a Believer? Do you believe in God as the creator of the Universe and Judge of the world? Do you believe that Jesus (Yeshua) is the Messiah God promised to send to the Jewish people, who also made salvation available to both Jews and Gentiles, alike? Do you
The Talmud is a wonderful book of Jewish wisdom and biblical exegesis. Wikipedia describes it this way: The Talmud has two components; the Mishnah (c. year 200 CE), a written compendium of Rabbinic Judaism’s Oral Torah; and the Gemara (circa year 500 CE), an elucidation of the Mishnah and related Tannaitic writings
All through my early years, I felt that something was missing when I went to Shul on Shabbat or for the High Holy Days services. I recited the prayers but always wondered why I needed to speak to God using someone else’s words. Couldn’t I pray to God from my
Wait a minute! Isn’t Constantine the guy who ran the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE, where some of the modern Christian doctrines were first formalized? Didn’t they say Christ was divine there? Didn’t they set up the Christian holidays, such as Easter? (Actually, they had Easter but couldn’t decide
I received this through an email from the Israel Video Network and although it is almost 14 minutes long, I ask that you listen to it. This woman is telling the United Nations the truth about Israel and Muslim tactics, which is not to destroy just Israel but to destroy
These three chapters deal with three topics: the cleanliness of the Priests who serve in the Sanctuary (as well as the sacrifices brought there), the Holy Days God instructs us to celebrate, and the rules regarding punishment for blasphemy and murder. As always, I find so much in here to
In the Gospels, when Yeshua (Jesus) is in the garden praying to God, he asks if the cup can be passed from him. He was asking, “Lord? Do I really have to go through this? Isn’t there a Plan B?” And the answer he gave himself was, “Thy will be
At this time of the year, everyone is talking about “First Fruits”, or in the Hebrew, HaBikkurim. Yeshua (Jesus) was referred to as first fruits by Shaul (Paul) in his first letter to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 15:23), and as far as I can see, that was the only reference
Tonight begins Pesach (Passover) and I am already busy preparing for the Seder. I have invited someone I knew in High School and haven’t been in touch with since then. We now live close to each other and it will be good to have her share this Seder with Donna
For those who have served in the military, the signature line “By Direction of the Commanding Officer” should be very familiar. For those who aren’t familiar with it, it means that whatever has been written has been done so by someone under the authority of higher command and although the
No video for this one, but please take a minute or two to read it. This message came to me in the middle of the night, and I couldn’t sleep until I shared it with you. There was once a small town in a valley that was protected by a
Based on the title of today’s message, I promise not to give one verse or quote from the Bible. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. There are many, many people who believe the Bible to be the infallible Word of God. Yet, how
To date in this teaching series, we have examined both the Jewish and Christian perspective regarding salvation and the Messiah. We have seen why it is so difficult for Jews to accept Jesus (Yeshua) as their Messiah and why Christians have become so separated from their roots (Judaism) that their
We left Part 5 of this teaching series with a set of instructions regarding how to approach Jews with the truth about Christianity in a way that they might be willing to listen to. Now we will learn about how to approach both Jews and Christians with the truth about Christianity,
In part 4 of this series, we learned how these different perspectives evolved. Today we will look at ways that we can try to reconcile these vastly different ideologies to come to a singular, correct understanding of who the Messiah is and what we can expect from him. If you prefer
Up to this point, we have reviewed what salvation means and that it comes from faith in a Messiah. There are certain expectations (based on biblical prophecy) regarding what the Messiah will do, which we have examined from both a Jewish and Christian perspective. In doing so, we have seen
So far in this series, we have looked at the meaning of salvation, the Jewish expectations of the Messiah, and why Yeshua ha Maschiach (Jesus Christ) was and has been rejected by “mainstream” Judaism since his first appearance on earth. Today we will delve into the Christian expectations of the Messiah,
In Part 1 of this teaching series, we reviewed the meaning of “salvation” and the Jewish expectations of what the Messiah will do when he comes, based on both the Tanakh and the Talmud. Today, in Part 2, we will examine why Yeshua was not, and still isn’t, accepted as