I can’t tell you how many times I have heard Christians tell me that the God of the Jewish Bible is cruel, punitive, and unforgiving, whereas Jesus is all about love and forgiveness. Of course, you won’t hear that from Jews because, well, Jews don’t read or even recognize the
I have seen many postings, especially at this time of the year, about how the Christmas tree is a pagan symbol and should not be erected. I have read how they misuse Isaiah 44:12-28 and also Jeremiah 10:3-4 to make the tree appear paganistic. If you prefer to watch a
Is Yeshua the Messiah? Is Jesus the Messiah? Is either one of them God? Or are we still looking for the Messiah, the one God promised to send throughout the Tanakh? If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. The answer will change, depending
There have been many times I have heard people tell me that because of Yeshua, the covenants God made with Israel do not apply to those who believe in Yeshua and follow him. Some even go as far as to say that Yeshua did away with the “law”. If you
What am I talking about when I say the “old” and the “new”? I am talking about the Old Covenant, that “Jewish” Bible, and the New Covenant, the “Christian” Bible. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. For those of you who know
Of course, I am talking about the name of the Lord, the one and only, the creator of the universe, the Almighty, our shield and savior, our father in heaven…you know, that guy. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. I have talked
“Wait a minute, Steve! Don’t you mean ‘Have a blessed day’?” No, I don’t. When I say to someone “have a blessed day”, that really doesn’t mean anything, since it is God who gives blessings, not me. I may wish them to have a blessed day, but I have no
Ya know what? No matter how many times I hear people say that the Mosaic Covenant was done away with by Yeshua’s sacrifice and is no longer valid for Christians, I still can’t understand how people who say they read the Bible can believe that hooey. If you prefer to
That’s a good question- why should we celebrate Yom Kippur when we have already been saved by the blood of Yeshua the Messiah? Well, the obvious answer is…because God said we should. Duh! If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. Christianity has taught
It may seem silly, my saying that I am not religious, when I read the Bible every day, pray constantly, and especially since I have this ministry. But, yet, I tell you, here and now and with conviction, that I am not religious. So, nu, if I’m not religious, then
With the High Holy Days upon us, I thought I would go over some of the Jewish traditions regarding Rosh Hashanah. Remember, even though Yeshua chided the Pharisees about man-made traditions, he wasn’t against all traditions- only those specific ones that were given precedence over what God said we should
We’ve been over this, again and again, so let’s go over it one more time. The Tetragrammaton, the four-letter word that God told Moses, is God’s Holy Name, and how it is used in speech and prayer should honor God. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this
In the Gospel of John, specifically John 14:13, Yeshua tells his disciples that whatever they ask for, when they ask it in his name, he will do. He said this is the way he will glorify his Father. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch
We all know the story in Genesis 22, which we call the Akedah (binding), where Abraham obeys God’s demand that he sacrifice Isaac on Mount Moriah. We also all know that this is all about testing Abraham’s faith. Or, is it? If you prefer to watch a video, click on
I know, I know…you have always been taught that salvation is a free gift from God and cannot be bought or earned. Now, the part about salvation being a free gift from God and impossible to be purchased is true; however, according to what God tells us, salvation can be
I’ve been on a three day high school reunion- our 50th, but now I am back and ready to preach! We all know the Bible…well, actually, we all THINK we know the Bible. We think we know what God wants, but in reality most people only know what they have
What do I mean by “overly spiritual”? I am talking about those people who cannot make conversation without speaking in spiritual terms which the average person cannot relate to. I am talking about those people who cannot talk to you without pronouncing that they love you, even though they have
You may be thinking: “What does Steve mean? Isaac was the son of Abraham, and Absalom was the son of David, but Yeshua is the son of God, right? So, nu? What’s the story?” If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. Here’s the
One of the topics that preachers in all religions seem to bypass more often than any other biblical topic is the requirement to tithe. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. What is really interesting is that many Christian religions believe that because
From what I have researched, Yeshua called himself “Son of Man” some 78 times throughout the Gospels. It is supposedly a term reserved for the Messiah from the Book of Daniel, in that the son of man would inherit God’s everlasting kingdom. If you prefer to watch a video, click