Misplaced Faith is a Slow Acting Poison

In ancient Rome, before forensic medicine, when someone wanted to “take out” somebody, and I don’t mean go on a dinner date, they would poison them with a slow-acting poison, putting just a little at a time in their food, so that the person would think they were getting sick and eventually die, never knowing they were murdered.

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I am telling you this because what is worse than a physical poisoning is a spiritual one.

After all, this mortal existence is but a fleeting moment in time, whereas eternity goes on and on, forever, and that is the life we want to share in. Anyone who claims to worship God must be looking forward to eternity, not in the hot seat, but with God in Paradise. As such, what could be worse than to slowly, unknowingly, find yourself being spiritually poisoned, leading you not on the pathway to paradise, but the road to perdition?

And that is exactly what almost every religion is doing, especially the Christian ones.

There can be no denying that the only place in the entire Bible where God, himself, tells us how to worship him and how to treat each other is found in the first five books, called the Torah. Nowhere else, from Joshua through Revelation, does God, himself, say what to do with regards to worship.

He does talk to prophets, but that is only to tell them to get the people back on track with proper worship.

He did send Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah , but -again- that was to teach the deeper, spiritual meaning of what he has already told us to do, and (even more important than that) to provide a way for people to find forgiveness of sin, because God knew that soon enough the temple would be destroyed and, without the place where God put his name, no sin sacrifice would be acceptable, except the one that Yeshua made.

Christianity has taught, in so many different ways, that the instructions God gave to us so we could know righteousness from sinfulness are not relevant to Christians. As such, God-fearing Gentiles who are members of any one of the multitudes of Christian religions, are being led astray; they are slowly being poisoned- spiritually- by those who are teaching them how to reject God, all the while telling them this is good for their souls.

So, nu? What is someone to do if they don’t know they are being poisoned?

My answer is that they need to cook their own meals; what I mean by that is they need to read the Bible, forget what they have been told it means, ignore their religious training, and determine for themselves what God wants from them.

And I am not just talking about Christianity: in Judaism, we have also added many requirements, called Halacha, which are not God commanded but man-made doctrines that add to God’s commandments, which he specifically said we shouldn’t do (more than once).

Fortunately, God is able to heal any disease, and if you are concerned that you may be subject to spiritual poisoning (and if you aren’t concerned, I respectfully submit that you might already too sick to know) then start today to read your Bible, beginning at Genesis and going all the way through to Revelation. See, for yourself, how God describes himself, what he says we are to do, how he has treated people who worship him correctly and those who don’t.

Consider how he told Abraham the world would be blessed by his progeny, which led to the Messiah, and that God told Moses (Ex. 19:6) the Jews would be God’s kingdom of priests, then immediately after that gave us the Torah (Ex. 20), so that as priests for God, we could take God’s instructions for righteousness and bring it to the world.

Here is your first anti-poisoning treatment: the Torah is not just for Jews! It was given to the Jews to bring to everyone else.

Please consider continuing to treat yourself to more truth only from the Bible, and not by a man-made religion.

God has no religion, only his instructions for how to worship him
and how to treat each other.

Thank you for being here and please remember to share these messages with everyone you know, to help this ministry continue to grow.

That’s it for today, so l’hitraot and Baruch Ha Shem!

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