From this point on in the Book of Genesis, Jacob and his sons take a back seat to the story of Joseph. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. Joseph has dreams indicating
We left Jacob being sent by Isaac to Haran to find a wife from his own people. One night along the journey, while Jacob sleeps outside the town of Luz, God comes to him in a dream and confirms the
This parashah begins with the story of Isaac and Rebekah, how she struggled with her pregnancy and was told (by God) that she had two nations in her. When the time came to give birth, Esau came out already hairy,
This parashah begins with the death of Sarah. Abraham buys the field and cave in Machpelah, known today as Hebron, and buries Sarah there. This is the burial place of all three patriarchs and their wives, except for Rachel who
In this parashah, we read about the three angels coming to Abraham and telling him that next year Sarah will have a son. They also tell him about their mission to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham pleads for the righteous
We read today the story of Noah. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. Noah was the only righteous man in a world of violence and God, seeing that the world needed a
Welcome back to the beginning of the word of God. With Shemini Atzeret past us, we are now starting the annual cycle of readings from the Torah, all over again, and that puts us here, at the beginning where the
This is the first parashah message I have given in nearly three weeks, due to vacations and such, so it is nice to be back. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. Moses
The Lord commands the people that when they have entered the land they are to go to Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim, and with the people split into two groups, some on the one mountain and the rest on the
Moses continues to advise the Israelites that when they obey the Lord’s instructions they will be blessed. God will go ahead of them into the land and slowly weaken the people there so that they will be more easily defeated.
Moses continues his first discourse, pleading with God (again) to allow him to cross over the Jordan, to which God refuses but tells Moses to climb Mount Pisgah and look at the land. God tells Moses to charge Joshua to
We reach the final book of the Torah, which is a review of the past 40 years. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. Moses reviews the travels, and travails, of the Israelites