(Still waiting for my new webcam so no video message today) In this reading we have the story of Jacob coming to his uncle, Laban, and of how he agreed to work 7 years to marry Rachel. Laban, on the
In this parashah we have one of the best known stories of the Bible, the selling of the birthright. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. This parashah begins by telling us that
This parashah begins with the death of Sarah, at 127 years old. Isaac would have been 36 years old at that time, Ishmael 50, and Abraham 136. He buys a burial cave and buries Sarah there, later to join her;
The major events that occur in this reading are the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the creation of the peoples of Moab and Ammon through the incest of Lot’s daughters with their father (after his wife is turned into salt),
This parashah introduces us to Abraham. We are told how he was called out of Ur and traveled to a place he did not know, trusting in the Lord to guide him. His travels led to Egypt during a famine,
Who doesn’t know the story of Noah and the Ark? How Noah was the only righteous man found throughout the world, so God decided to save him and his family from the destruction of mankind, which had become evil and
Last week we celebrated the end of the annual cycle of High Holy Days with the rolling back of the Torah during Shemini Atzeret, so we get to start reading the Torah, all over again. That is why the holiday
This parashah contains the instructions and guidelines God gave to Moses, to teach the Israelites so that they can teach the rest of the world, regarding how to choose the ones who will judge the people. God goes on to
This parashah continues Moses’ discourse, now going into the second of Three Discourses, this one concentrating on the laws that he has given. He tells the people when they enter the land to write a blessing on Mount Gerizim and
In this parashah, Moses again repeats the same warnings he has already given and will continue to repeat throughout this book. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. He confirms that so
Moses reminds the people of the fact that he, Moses, is not allowed to enter the land and all those who rebelled against God have died off, leaving this generation to take possession. He assigns three cities as a City
We have now come to the last book of the Torah. If you prefer to watch a video, click on this link: Watch the video. It is the 11th month of the 40th year since the Israelites came out of