How to eat an elephant

Have any of you heard this question before? It is similar to the statement about the elephant in the boardroom, meaning that both situations seem overwhelming. Eating an elephant and having one in your boardroom? Impossible, right?

Not impossible. Not when you understand the meanings. The elephant in the boardroom is a figure of speech alluding to a major issue that no one really wants to face, and eating an elephant is a major issue that no one wants to undertake.

In relation to today’s message, the elephant in our boardroom that we all need to eat is sin. We all are sinful, both in action and in nature. That is why God had to provide a Messiah, one anointed to lead us into communion with the Almighty Father, but first charged with bringing us back from sinfulness to righteousness. Yeshua (Jesus) was that Messiah, and He still is; having saved us all by providing the pathway back to God through His sacrificial death.

I call our sin an elephant in the boardroom because even though we all are willing to admit we are sinful, too often we don’t really “feel” it. Even those people who have no fear of the Lord and don’t care about Him at all, are open to the fact that they do things some sections of society and the “religious people” think are wrong. They are just used to rationalizing their actions, so they don’t even see the elephant.

But for Believers, the elephant is the sin we don’t want to “own”- it’s one thing to say, “Yes, we are all sinners and Jesus died for our sins”, but if the underlying feeling when you repeat that (often from rote) is that you don’t really want to “own up” to your own sin, then don’t look now, but there’s an elephant in the room! No one really wants to be “bad”, so we thank Jesus for all He has done and say we are saved. Hallelujah!

But being saved isn’t enough: too many times being saved is thought to be the end of the trail, the 19th hole, the No More Worries Inn. Sorry- that’s not how it works. Being saved is just the beginning, and the trip isn’t easy. Calling on the name of the Lord is how you start, but following the pathway of righteousness is how you travel, and eating that elephant is what you survive on.

Eating the elephant called sin, in truth, is no different than eating one in real life. The answer to the question, “How do you eat an elephant?” is: one bite at a time.

And that is the way we turn from sinfulness to travel the path of righteousness: one bite (step) at a time. We walk a white line throughout our lives, with sin on the one side and righteousness on the other; we are constantly stepping on one side or the other. There are other lines running alongside the white line we first follow, paths that veer off to different directions. When we step too often on the side of sin, we tend to get farther and farther away from the line leading to God, and we end up on a pathway leading to damnation. But, when we walk on the side of righteousness, we find roads that all lead to salvation. What I am saying is that the way we walk becomes easier as we walk it, so if we start our trip in the right direction and keep our eyes on the goal, we find the trip easier.

Just like eating the elephant: one bite at a time, one step at a time, keeping our eyes on the elephant on the serving platter but concentrating mostly just on what is on our plate, today. Before you know it, the serving platter will not have so much on it anymore.

Maybe that’s why Yeshua said to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread…”, meaning one bite at a time, one day at a time, one step at a time.

Have you heard this expression: “Slow and steady wins the race.”? It means when you constantly do the right thing the right way, you will achieve what you are trying to do.

So face up to that elephant, sit down at the table with your napkin on your lap and your knife and fork in your hands, and get to work.

Be hungry for righteousness.

(No elephants or other large mammals were hurt in the construction of this message)

Another day closer, another day further away

Four days left for 2015. Today we go back to work (most of us), Thursday we get off early, and Friday is 2016.

Thursday will be 2015, Friday will be 2016: on Friday we will be one year closer to the salvation we look forward to, and one year further away from the opportunities we had to be more the way God wants us to be. But yet, Friday is only one day away from Thursday.

Before we know it, the time to do something we want to do has come and gone. Shaul (Paul) of Tarsus tells us to run the good race (Acts 20:23) , to keep our eyes on the prize (Philippians 3:14) and we are told, from Genesis through Revelations, to look forward to salvation; to await eagerly for the Acharit HaYamim (End Days) when the Olam Hazeh (current world) will pass and the Olam Haba (world to come) will arrive.

Paul also tells us that we are constantly being formed into a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) as long as we are in Messiah, as long as we have the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) living in us. We get that by asking and then accepting Messiah Yeshua to save us from ourselves. To save you from yourself. To save me from myself.  Salvation is a very personal thing: it is between me and God, and the only thing that comes between me and God that is not an idol is when I have to face Him at Judgement Day and Yeshua, my Messiah, my defense attorney (it’s always best to have a Jewish lawyer) and my intercessor comes between me and the Throne of Judgement and says, “This one is mine, Father.”

That is the moment I look forward to. Until then, I want to make every moment I have one where I can do more to glorify God. It’s hard to do because I am so self-centered, so prideful and so world-weary. And when I say “world weary”,  I mean that I am so often wearied by fighting against what the world says I should do that I come to a point where I succumb to it’s temptations. I’m not talking about doing drugs, drinking, cavorting and such; I am talking about simple things, things that no one even notices because they are what the world does. Things like cursing, getting angry at people because they don’t do what I think they should, and complaining about other people. Not so much gossip, but just talking about them and identifying things that I don’t like that they do. These, and other things, are what the world does, but they have no place in God’s kingdom.

This is a time when the world says we should make New Year’s resolutions. That’s not a bad idea, and here’s one I would like us all to make: make every day a new year. Why try to better ourselves only one day of the year? We make these resolutions, usually with the intention of doing them but knowing in our hearts there isn’t a snowballs’ chance in heck that we will live up to the standard we are setting.  So, if we have a “New Year” every day, we can “adjust” that resolution until it becomes something we can do. Just as Paul said, we can start our life anew, every day.

To run a good race, you need to run smart. Any experienced runner will tell you when running a race you need to pace yourself. Don’t make resolutions that are so much beyond your ability to accomplish it is like trying to run a marathon by sprinting the whole way. Goals (I learned while getting my MBA) have to be reasonable and attainable. You can set your goals high, but they must be realistic.

And when you make these resolutions, remember that with God, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26), so work hard and discipline yourself to attain your goals this coming year. Forget the past failures so you can strive to be more of what God wants you to be; ask Him for guidance, let the Ruach fill you by allowing more of yourself to get out of the way. Look to the future, get over the past (it is an anchor that keeps you from moving forward) and make every day a new year, every day a step closer to the salvation we are promised, and every day a new hope for entering into Paradise.

It will come like a thief in the night, it will be here before you know it, and when it arrives there will be no going back to make amends or try again.

When is the best day to start over? Yeshua tells us (in Luke 12:20) that no one can look forward to having tomorrow, so get off your tuchas and start TODAY!!