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There was a mass shooting at a Florida school yesterday, February 14, 2018. It is reported there were 17 injured, some who have died, and the shooter is a kid who had been expelled from the school. This is a terrible thing, and we see these horrible events happening more
The freed slaves are led by God to the Red Sea, and Pharaoh comes back after them with chariots and his entire army. God saves His people with the miraculous parting of the sea, and the Israelites walk across; when the army of Egypt follows, the waters come back down
As someone who posts a lot on multiple Facebook discussion groups, I see many people who state something then have to defend what they say. I believe how we defend our beliefs is a sign of how well we live them out in our everyday life.
There is a saying that has led many to think they are saved when they may be sabotaging themselves. That saying is: “Once saved; Always saved.” It is a lie from the pit of Sheol, which has separated many from the truth of the Gospels and made impossible the proper
The plagues continue, starting with the eighth plague of locusts, followed by the days of darkness, and the final and ultimate plague: the death of the firstborn. And with this last and terrible event, God’s plan of salvation for the Israelites is completed and they are sent out of Egypt.
God is compassionate; God is loving; God is not just willing to forgive, but He really wants to forgive. But God’s love is tough love, and no matter how badly He wants to forgive us, we will suffer when we reject His guidance and commandments. You won’t ever hear God