Part of the definition of a Demagogue, according to Wikipedia, is: Demagogues overturn established customs of political conduct, or promise or threaten to do so. Although the term is usually applied to a political system, can it be found within spiritual circles? And if so, how do we recognize it?
My friend Travis introduced me to Garrett, who runs this program on You Tube. They talk to artists, authors and the such about their work to help give them exposure. Please enjoy it.
As this parashah starts, the brothers have been accused of stealing a cup from Joseph’s house, and Benjamin is found to be the one holding the cup. They are brought before Joseph, and Judah pleads for Benjamin’s life. His plea is so heartfelt that Joseph can no longer hide his
A bridge gives us passage from one place to another over a terrain or obstacle that cannot be crossed by walking or driving. In the Marines Corps, one of the things I was responsible to do was to be able to blow up bridges that gave the enemy a tactical
Many people believe that to be humble means to be weak and ineffective. Some are humble from self-doubt or a low self-esteem, but those who are humble in the way God wants us to be humble find that humility comes from inner strength, and as a result strengthens oneself to
Yeshua tells a parable about tares planted in a field along with the wheat, and that the owner of the field directs his workers to wait until the entire field is harvested before separating the tares from the wheat. What can that mean to us, today, when we are trying
Before I was saved, one of the things that always turned me off, right away, to those “Born-Again” people was that they talked so “spiritually” about everything. When you don’t have the Holy Spirit, you can’t relate to it, or to people who talk using spiritual terminology. We need to
We now learn the history of Joseph’s life, starting with his bad report on his brothers and ending with his interpretation of the dreams of his prison mates. Along the way we read about an incident in Judah’s life- why now? Why here? What does the significance of Judah’s experience
I often read from postings on different discussion groups, Hebrew Roots, Messianic and Christian, of people telling others exactly what is right and wrong in God’s eyes. Now, there are many things God tells us about Himself, but there are many things He doesn’t. God gave us commandments, rulings, judgments
People who have been raised as Christians, no matter what denomination, cannot understand what it is like to be a Jewish person who is approached about Jesus. Many people I have talked to in the Messianic or Hebrew Roots congregations I have belonged to tell me they haven’t heard anyone