What if Jesus Really Did Away with the Law?

I have (way too often) heard Christians tell me that Jesus did away with the law, and to be honest, I doubt if any of them really understand the implication of what they are saying.

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Most Christians, if you ask them what the “law” is that Jesus did away with, will say it is the Torah. If you ask them what laws are in the Torah, you will most likely get a blank stare. Then, maybe they will say kosher laws.

Okay, what else?


Right. Most every Christian I have talked to who goes along with the ridiculous idea that Jesus did away with the law have no freakin’ idea what they are saying; they are just parroting what they have been told.

What is “parroting?” Consider a parrot- it can be taught to repeat words and phrases, and if properly cued, it sounds as if the bird knows what it is saying, but it actually has no understanding of the meaning.

Let’s examine what it would mean if Jesus “did away with the Law”, which would be the entire Torah. And yes- it would have to be the entire Torah, not just a law here or there, this commandment but not that one.

Let’s start with Exodus 20, when God gave Moses the Big 10. If Jesus did away with the law, then God isn’t the only god, and we can worship whomever or whatever we please, in whichever order we want to. We don’t have to celebrate the Sabbath day (which Christianity has already done by changing it to Sunday), we can curse out our parents, we can covet, commit adultery, we can…well, you get the point, right?

And what about the many other laws in the Torah? There are laws regarding health care, interpersonal relationships (especially sexual ones), a penal code for different types of crimes, just to name a few.

So nu? None of that matters or is important now, right? After all, Jesus did away with the law.

What about what Yeshua’s bro, Jimmy, said in his letter, specifically James 2:10? He said,

For a person who keeps the whole Torah, yet stumbles at one point, has become guilty of breaking them all.

So, the excuse that I have heard from many Christians, which is that only the ceremonial laws are done away with, but the moral laws are still effective, clearly goes against the Bible because Jimmy says break one, you break them all!

And, for that matter, who says which laws are moral and which aren’t?

I’ll give you my answer to that question (and being Jewish, I’ll ask a question to answer a question): Do you believe that God is a moral being? If you say “yes” (and you had better say yes), then whatever he says must be moral, right?

Well, the Torah is composed of God saying how he wants us to worship him, and how he wants us to treat each other; therefore, since everything God says is moral, everything in the Torah is moral, even if some want to define parts of it as merely “ceremonial”.

It boils down to this, people… if Yeshua did away with the law, it would be tantamount to rejecting his father’s authority and rulership, which would be rebellion. The only being we know who always been in rebellion against God is Satan.

I don’t know about you, but I do not believe that Yeshua is Satan. In fact, as I recall, we are told that when Satan offered the world to Yeshua, he rejected it and told Satan to bugger off.

I often say, “I am sorry to burst your bubble“, but really- I’m not. Bursting bubbles is one of the things this ministry is devoted to doing. Jesus never did away with the law, never did away with any part of it, and lived 100% of his life in 100% obedience to the law. The only way- the ONLY way- to follow in Yeshua’s footsteps (which is what “good” Christians are supposed to do) is to be as Torah observant as you can.

And that means the entire Torah- celebrate as commanded in Leviticus 23, eat only what is allowed in Leviticus 11, and make sure you don’t do any of the sexually banned activities in Leviticus 18. That’s not all, but it is a good start. In fact, obeying the Torah a bit at a time as you convert to a Torah-observant lifestyle is exactly what Shaul (Paul) was teaching the (mostly) Gentile congregations he formed. Sadly, when the Jewish leadership of this new sect of Judaism died off, the Gentile leadership redirected it into the man-made religion we have today, which (as this message is all about) rejects God’s Torah.

Consider this- John said Yeshua was the living Torah, Yeshua said rejecting him is rejecting the one who sent him, so if we reject the Torah we are rejecting Yeshua, and that means we are rejecting God.

POP! (There goes your bubble.)

Thank you for being here, and please remember to share these messages with everyone you know, even non-believers. After all, you never know how fertile the soil is until you plant a seed in it.

That’s it for this week, so l’hitraot and (an early) Shabbat Shalom!

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