In the Book of D’varim (Deuteronomy), Moses is recounting the last 40 years to the people, and in Chapter 11 he reviews all the miraculous events that God performed, including the blessings that he will give for continued obedience, and the curses that he will send for disobedience.
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Moses reminds them that God had commanded that after they enter the land they are to split up, with half the tribes going on Mount Gerizim, and the other half on Mount Eival, and then to proclaim these blessings and curses.
So, nu? What could possibly be the reason for this? Well, maybe I can give you one.
These mountains are known as the Shoulder Mountains. They are positioned next to each other, and between them lies the Shechem Valley. When you have half a million people on each of these two mountains, shouting out these blessings and curses, the sound will reverberate down the mountain sides and throughout the valley, where (it just so happened) many of the people they were to destroy were living.

The result of this is that the people who were already there heard that there was a new sheriff in town.
Now, was this a means of giving them the chance to repent? I don’t think so, since God had already ordered the Israelites to totally destroy the peoples there, so those living in the Shechem Valley were not going to be there much longer. Maybe God was giving them a chance to get the heck outta Dodge before the fecal matter hit the air circulation unit?
I don’t know, but I am certain that by having the people repeat these blessings and curses on the Shoulder Mountains, it was a way to reinforce the covenant they made with God, way back when, when they were at Sinai some 40 years before, and also again when Moses reviewed the laws with the people just before they entered the land.
I was fortunate to be able to see those mountains, even though the Shechem Valley and area is forbidden to Jews, when I was there in 2016. When you see how they form a perfect echo chamber, you can imagine how the sound of those thousands of voices must have shaken the ground, and given the people living there a start, as well.
What a shame that this event was as soon forgotten as it was performed. If only we had gotten rid of all the people living there, as God commanded, we wouldn’t have the problems in the Middle East that we have today.
Thank you for being here and please remember that I always welcome your comments.
That’s it for this week, so l’hitraot and (an early) Shabbat Shalom!
PS: Please pray for a speedy end to the war in Israel right now, and for the total destruction of Hamas.