Why There Has To Be Evil In The World

How many times have you heard someone ask, “How can a good God allow so much evil in the world?”

Maybe you have even asked this question, yourself?

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Well, the answer is actually so simple it is hard to accept: there has to be evil in the world to allow us to be good.

Think about it…if there were no rules of moral conduct, which define the difference between evil and good, then everything is either evil or everything is good. You can’t have a one-sided coin; at least, not in this plane of existence.

Shaul, that nice Jewish tentmaker from Tarsus, said it well when he wrote to the Roman Believers telling them that without the Torah there could be no sin. In fact, he went as far as to say the Torah created sin! (Romans 5)

Shaul explained that sin existed long before God gave us the Torah, and what the Torah did was to define sin, so that now we had a baseline, so to speak, regarding what was proper and what wasn’t.

The world has a problem with evil and good, though, because the different societies in the world each define what is right and wrong. There is no standard set of rules for everyone (such as within the Torah), but instead, evil and good are defined by whatever that specific society determines is evil or good.

We all have been given the gift of Free Will, the right to decide what we will do or won’t do. But in order for that opportunity to be exercised, we need to have options. The options God gave us are to do as he said to do or to reject what he said to do.

Doing what God says is good, and rejecting what God says is evil: pretty simple decision, right?


Why wrong? Because too many human beings have taught others to do what they believe you should do as being what God said you should do.

Example: God said to observe the Shabbat on the 7th day, which is Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, but the early Christian leaders (who, by the end of the 1st Century were mostly Gentiles) decided that they would celebrate the Sabbath on Sunday, which is the first day of the week.

Another example: God told us the Holy Days he requires us to observe and how to observe them in Leviticus 23 (note: Holy Days are not holidays, the former being God-ordained and the latter being man-made), but Christianity has rejected every single Holy Day God demands us to celebrate (they didn’t fully reject the Sabbath, but they did reject the day God said to celebrate it) and instead created their own holidays.

Now, it is OK to have a holiday to celebrate God and his Messiah, but it is NOT OK to reject the Holy Days God said we must observe.

I believe God allows evil because it is necessary to have evil if we want good to exist; that sounds like an oxymoron, but it is a fact of life in the physical world.

Perhaps, when Judgement Day is over, the new temple, new Jerusalem, and new earth are given to those who have accepted Yeshua as their Messiah and been faithfully obedient- obedient to God, not to men– there will be only righteous people and righteous acts.

Perhaps, in the eternal presence of God, we will be able to have that one-sided coin, the one where no evil exists.

To my flesh, that sounds a little dull, as in what fun is there in that? But, to my spirit, it sounds like eternal rest and joy.

I suppose when it happens, I will get used to it.

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That’s it for today, so l’hitraot and Baruch HaShem!

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