Your Comfort Zone is Really Your Coffin

Being comfortable is not a bad thing. In fact, it is something that we all strive for in our life- we want to be comfortable in our homes, in our jobs, with our friends and family, and financially, as well.

But when you get so comfortable with life that you don’t feel a need to learn anything else, you’re in trouble.

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I know so many people who are totally fine with not knowing the Bible, or what Yeshua really taught, or why their religion is steering them down the road to perdition instead of putting them on the pathway to salvation. And when I try to explain it to them, I get the hand.

Sometimes it isn’t the whole hand, just a single finger.

That is what I call being in your comfort zone to the point where it isn’t really comfortable, it just feels that way; sadly, you won’t come to realize just how uncomfortable you really are until the time comes when it will be too late for you to do anything about it.

When I was working, the majority of my career was in a position of management, and when I heard someone tell me that “This is how we’ve always done it.”, I would reply that that alone is reason enough for me to revue it, and most likely, change the way we’re doing it.

Why would I do that? Because I know from experience that when something has been done for so long that the only reason people give for why they do it that way is because they’ve always done it that way. Well, that isn’t really a comfort zone, that is what we call stagnation.

So, you learned about the Bible in church, or synagogue, or maybe you went through Catholic school or attended Hebrew school (after public school), and now that you are an adult, you don’t need to do that anymore. You believe in God, you know (or don’t yet accept) that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah God promised to send, and that is all you need.

Or maybe you are one of those Believers who buy into the lie that the Torah is only for Jews, and all you have to do is “believe in Jesus” (whatever the heck that is supposed to mean) and love people, and you’re golden.

Well, sorry to say, that is not going to get you where you think you are going to.

I am not going to try to convince anyone that your religion has misled you or that you need to convert or change your lifestyle, or anything else other than this: all I want to say today is PLEASE don’t trust what you think you know and keep learning. Read the Bible and don’t automatically accept anything you are told- not even by me- and check out everything you have ever been told about Yeshua, salvation, and God’s instructions in the Torah.

Your spiritual comfort zone is going to kill you, so never settle for comfortable when it comes to God. Always keep learning and being open to what others say, but- and this is VERY important- verify it all against what you read in the Bible, and I am not talking about letters written by men (although they have much wisdom and can be edifying), but instead verify what you hear against the commandments and instructions that come directly from God.

And the only place you will find those is in those first 5 books, called the Torah.

I completely believe that when you have to face God, I don’t think he will care one little bit about what someone told you because it is what HE says that counts.

Thank you for being here, and please remember to share these messages with your entire contact list. That’s it for today, so l’hitraot and Baruch Ha Shem!

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